Wrath had been watching the scene unfold from the roof high above, the tall skyline of New York provided an excellent place to watch from and generally remain unnoticed. And his eyes had been fixated on the man. You see, kidnapping required motivation and a trigger. A motivation had been there, aiming for revenge on the girls father for a certain... Job loss. But the trigger? Haha, Wrath was the trigger. He befriended the man, who had become a drunkard, and through both words and his corrupting Aura turned the mans thoughts to something more insidious than hurling insults over a drink. And so it was this came to transpire, a step further into madness as the mans drunken rage was unmanaged and easily manipulated. But something happened Wrath had not intended. That bedevilled daughter of Lucifer, why did she have to interfere? Couldn't she just have kept her nose out from where it didn't belong! He'd teach her to mess with his plans... But he couldn't attack her, she was the daughter of Lucifer after all, and that was one being he currently needed to be aligned with. Lucifer, however, despised mortals and would likely not care if something were to happen to some; Thus he could send a message. Scowling as the pathetic, cowardly mortal fled, Wrath raised from his crouched position and walked along the edge of the roof tops, watching Arceous from above and stalking her back to the child's house, transversing across the gaps in roofs, dissolving and reforming, any noise drowned out by the sounds of the city He watched her speak with the mortals from afar, and remained crouched on the roof of a nearby building as he waited for Arceous to leave, a frown spreading across his face