[img]http://i.imgur.com/dO6vRyy.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/t9SKBzc.png[/img] [b][u]Tagress: Guild[/b][/u] Trixie's relatively quiet but delightful munchdown on her berrylicious meal was cut short with Celeste's and Julius' sudden decision to break off to their room. The others seemed to wave off their departure as just getting ready for their fun in the sun, but with Superbro and that one guy gone without a word, and Supersis taking off eons earlier that started that whole fiasco in Vandrell... the prankster was getting a bit tired of everyone taking off without explaining themselves. "You guys better be back," she squeaked, puffing her cheeks as the duo ditched the rest of the Pride. She watched as they disappeared into their rooms, and continued to watch in their direction, as if waiting for them to pop back out. That was until Nikki snagged her and Lucien by the wrists and kidnapped the two of them. Trixie let out an instinctive yelp as she fought to break away from the evil cat lady - which she managed to slip free before Moira nearly knocked them all down. Then Lucien had the nerve to taunt the two girls. Trixie reflected his devious smile back at him. "Fine! See ya there, rotten dead guy!" She took off like a bullet, a puff of dust lingering where she took off - only to backtrack to the Pride members once she had gone off too far. Amy, her arms loosely crossed as usual, hung about the back of the Pride as they all took off. A relaxed smile crossed her lips the moment she stepped foot outside. About time they got to enjoy some peace in the sunshine. Well, as much "peace" as a group as rambunctious as the Pride could muster. But Amy looked forward to it nonetheless. Naturally the cleric would groan at the thought of walking and walking for spending her freetime, but after being confined in a prison of a hospital, she was more eager than usual to partake in their picnicking adventure. Hell, she even carried one of the picnic baskets - though she brushed it off as just keeping the food away from Trixie's grasp. Quite sometime had sped by, lost in the Pride's peaceful travel. The minute their final destination, a modest park located nearby the outskirts of Tagress, came into view-- Trixie once again burst forward with her pent up energy. "Here! Here here here, right in the center!" A flock of birds swarmed around an otherwise empty grassy region, though they collectively flew away as the prankster fired stray bullets in their direction. Once her preferred spot had been cleared up entirely, she dove face first into the grass and began to roll around, soaking up the sun like an enthusiastic dog. "Come on guys, hurry up!" Though Amy continued to linger in the back of the pride, she couldn't stop herself from smiling at the sight. [i]What the fuck has gotten into me.[/i]