Rienna and Owen seemed to shrink a guests piled into the manor. Kessa, on the other hand, seemed to stare down at the partygoers in disdain. "The ringing of a bell will signal when dinner is ready," Kessa spoke in a clear voice. The gardener pointed a finger at Rienna. "If you wish to head to your rooms, follow the maid. And under no circumstances are you to visit the study. Sir Geoffrey doesn't like anyone in there." Her eyes narrowed and she fixed all the guests with a stern look. She knew that she was a mere servant, but like hell was she going to let strangers run amuck, no matter how rich or famous. Rienna took hold of several bags, struggling with the weight. "F-follow me," she squeaked, struggling up the large staircase. Kessa waited by the doorway, peering out into the rain. There were more guests to come.