Leo stared down the the little dragon and dimly in his mind he remembered he had done something like this before. Telling hard truths to ones that shouldn't need to hear it yet, "It's..." He trailed off, ruffling Skylark's hair, "Don't worry too much about it, it was things that happened a long time ago. They're no longer relevant to us." He soothed him, after all how could he tell him about the horrors of the wars before them. Of how humans so mercilessly slaughtered millions of their own kind and of the dragon's kind. Of the tortures, the pain...the cold.....He kissed Skylark's forehead and placed him down on the floor, "Go play with the others, don't worry about what's being said. Go have fun." He wasn't good at handling children, hopefully Sleipnir would be better at handling the little dragon. At least when they were together, they were both able to hold themselves up better. Noire wasn't exactly a bad person anyway, certainly a better parental figure than he could have bothered to be before. Thank god she wasn't going to suggest stripping as well, he had played that with her once. It really didn't end well for most of them. He hadn't been too bothered by his own birthday suit, but he would never really look at December the same again. No one really would. "The council was already fucked when we took over, the whole world was fu-fu..fuu..." He caught Sanare's disapproving glare, stumbling over his word. Terra could be terra-blue, but Sanare was just Satan when she was pissed, "Uh....Fu.....ah I give up!" "You couldn't think of fudge?!" "I hate chocolate." "What does that have to do with anything?!" "Ah it doesn't matter, the dragons were already divided by then. Believing the humans too much, we made a lot of mistakes. Those before us made a lot of mistakes. It doesn't matter now anyway. They're all de-gone and the humans are probably dying out as well unless they're planning to suck another planet dry. Urgh, they repopulate like Mosquitos." He grumbled and crossed his arm over his chest, Sanare shaking her head gentle at him. Meanwhile, Sleipnir crawled closer to his brother and stared up at Noire, "That doesn't sound like it's very fun, isn't that just telling someone what to do and then punishing them for not listening?" He asked softly, "Isn't that what Father did to Daddy once..." He asked even softer, resting his head against his brother's shoulder. Setting down the sock next to him, his attention drawn to the pretty hydra. Trying to move away from the somber subject, he tried to find out more about the game, "What sort of things do they dare you to do? And what sort of punishments do they do?" Everyone's attention drawn back to the two strangers. Ferrum bared his teeth at them, "Great job you did as legendary knights, ending up here. Looking back at the dead world, see any of your accomplishments still standing?" Ferrum could be rather disrespectful, but he always had a bone to pick with those still bragging over their past achievements. Or just bragging in general. Looking at them both, he had to agree with Noire. It didn't really matter anyway, had they dew in their blood or not, Ygdrassil was already dead and rotting, right in the middle of the room. Well, all around when they had been tossed around, the rapidly rotting wood had been bashed into pulp and mushy splinters. It's final act, freeing those trapped within their prisons. "Where were you all this time?" Sanare asked softly, the tone almost accusing in a subtler tone. She was not trying to make anyone feel bad, but the legendary dragons had been....."The council was formed a long time ago, taking an elder from each clan of dragons. They were meant to keep peace between all dragons and maintain natural balance between us and the world so we would never run out of resources. The Yggdrasil was said to be the tree at the centre of the world. Where everything was in complete balance with one another. It's leaves were the most powerful medicinal herb, it's roots used as marks of great power and in many age old rituals. It is said that the first few dragons lived off it's nuture, that's why we are so long lived and immune to the ills of the world." She paused and looked over at the two strangers, "The Ygdrassil order was formed when the first hydra, your daddy appeared. Nobody knew where he came from and they were wary back then. Then soon after, they said humans started to pop up, and we realized that there was a possible...danger. Especially when, they began to learn...faster than they should've. We left them alone for the most part, but we took warriors from each clan, those willing to guard the Ygdrassil day and night with their lives. They stopped many a curious wanderer, though....some would say we were being selfish. We didn't know the meaning then. Those part of the Ygdrassil order were said to be bestowed special capabilities through the Ygdrassil, via it's sacred dew. The most potent part of the tree...." "Unfortunately, all of this was thought only to be myth, at least when I came about. The Ygdrassil was long gone, we assumed it never existed and neither did the order..." She finished off softly, taking a breath. Sleipnir stared over at Sanare, worrying at his lower lip, "Daddy wouldn't have done anything wrong. You didn't have to be scared of him."