NAME: Conor Cotton AGE: 15 GENDER: Male HOMETOWN: Viridian City APPEARANCE: Conor is a tall, athletically built young man. He stands at a height of five-foot-seven, with board, slouching shoulders. He has a pair of caramel-brown eyes and short charcoal black, messy hair. His body is covered in scratches and bruises from his rough and high-risk-high-reward adventures that he likes to take. Conor is often seen in a red-orange tee which buttons up near the neck and a pair of sandy kakis, with boots. He also wears a pair of black gloves and a matching baseball cap with a red-orange Pokeball logo off to the side. Every now and then Conor can be seen wearing his spring jacket, which is green and black. His belt is also a holster for his Pokemon, carrying three on each side. Conor also carries a messenger bag which holds extra clothes, books, and other random things he keeps for and from his adventures. PERSONALITY: Bittersweet is a perfect adjective to describe Conor and his personality. As with the word when you first meet the youth he can be a bit on the bitter side, being cold, harsh, and candid with his words. He doesn’t like conversing much and finds it annoying to have to convey his emotions through words rather than just through actions because to him actions speak louder than words. His blunt and frank attitude is more of a mask than anything though, with Conor being more so an awkward and shy conversationalist. Also he has been hinted at being a socially awkward outcast by the children he grew up with. The second part of Conor’s bittersweetness is when you really peel back and get through to Conor’s cold exterior. That is when you get to meet his sensitive and genuinely caring side. Deep down Conor is just a shy and loving young man, showing this side to his Pokémon and family members more than anyone else. He treats his Pokémon with tender care and his family with the upmost respect, as he does with most elders. Acting and being bitter and cold has made Conor somewhat serious most of the time. He usually does something for a specific reason and does that specific something by the books, never really drawing away from it. The only time he ever does something that is unconventional and stupid is when there is no other way or choice to do or finish something, like escaping from a horde of Beedrill’s by jumping off a fifteen foot cliff into a lake. That was probably one of the stupidest choices he’s ever made, but Conor usually makes smarter more intelligent choices in and for his adventures. Out of all his attitude and personality traits, being frank and honest is a high quality that the friends he does have appreciate. If you can get over the fact that Conor is a jerk then he won’t be one to you. He takes a bit of getting used to, but once the two of you truly appreciate and like one another than Conor will probably be one of the greatest friends you will ever have. HISTORY: Conor was born to a very rich and powerful family who had a lot of influence in Viridian City and in Kanto. His father was a business man who partnered and worked closely with the various gym leaders in Kanto, helping them with keeping their gyms in the most tip-top conditions. Both his parents helped design the interiors of gyms and business buildings throughout Kanto. The power of his family didn’t just come from his parents though, both his maternal and fraternal grandparents owned big corporations which spread throughout both Kanto and Johto. Ever since he was little all Conor could remember was being raised by a nanny and butlers. His parents were always out of town for work, building places for others, and meeting with various businessmen and entrepreneurs, which left him at home with his nannies and butlers. He was first introduced to Pokémon through his various nannies, butlers, and workers who his parents hired for their large home in Viridian City. They each taught him about Pokémon little by little, and soon enough Conor grew a big interest in them, wanting to have his own Pokémon. Growing up he was an only child, learning how to be independent and self-efficient, but that also made him anti-social and distant with others his own age and more attracted and respectable towards those who were older than him. Throughout his childhood he was teased and bullied by kids for being too proper and boring even though he had a lot of money from his family. Eventually at fifteen he asked his parents if he could participate in what he believed to be a rite of passage, a Pokémon adventure. At first his parents rejected the idea of Conor traveling throughout the world alone. He was a Cotton and Cotton’s were in the world of business, not the world of Pokémon. It wasn’t until he pleaded with them for over year that he was finally allowed to travel throughout Kanto.