The Plan: It is going to be an original universe. Because trying to do it in gundam universe basically means SEED and... Lets leave at that. I am not going to start a fanwar. So it is an original universe on the one hand you have standard MS units like the guntank, GM, and the Gundam. On the other you have the AC style counterparts. It will be starting out small with a fictional country however borders are being redrawn for political reasons. Essentially Kojima particles have been around for about 20 years and an artificial particle have has been made in a lab within a different country. If those have played AC series Kojima Particles can lead to fallout if weaponized making the Earth uninhabitable (hence the Cradles you see in AC4/A) Space colonization is fairly new. Only a few colonies for the fictional superpowers at max. Still working on the details but if interested please PM in a role you would like to play. However there will be no main hero. Be willing to let go of your character or not use for awhile. Remember if you do survive from a near death experience more than likely you are crippled or having a long recovery time.