Ryan was disappointed. He looked through the first few houses in the suburbs of Chicago, only to find nothing useful. The fact that he wasted a ton of time to no avail also angered him a little. The time it took to search one building was a lot longer than he wanted it to be, because he had to check his every corner in fear of a hungry mutant that might be waiting for him behind it. He also had to sneak between houses, even though seemingly there weren't too many creatures outside. He made a mistake earlier when he decided to attack a lone creature. While he did kill it, its grawls attracted many more and he was forced to run, something he was trying to avoid. Fortunately they gave up as soon as they lost sight of him. He knew he wouldn't always be that lucky however. His stubborness was put to test as he pondered whether he should continue searching or not. The houses he saw so far where all unfortified and undefended, only one of them had a simple fence. He knew spending a night inside one of those would be suicide. Putting his bag down next to him as he was sitting on a bed in the latest home he looked into, he took out a chocolate bar to boost his spirit. The bed was quite comfortable and for a moment he felt obliged to just lie down, have some sleep and call it a day. [i]A good ten minutes of rest never killed anyone, did it?[/i] he said to himself. Suddenly however, he heard shooting from the woods he came from. Immediately jumping up and putting his bag back on his back, he pulled out his pistol from its sheath and ran out. Slicing two creatures on the way, Ryan quickly arrived to the entrance of Chicago. The sounds of the shots became louder and louder as they guided him to his destination. His mind was racing with the possibility of meeting fellow survivors, finally. The feeling of doubt was there of course, but he overlooked that for now. As he was about to reach the presumed place, the shooting stopped and deadly silence paired with growls occupied everything again, halting him in his tracks. [i]"What if the survivor died?"[/i] he thought and started to blame himself for not arriving earlier. However, he decided to still move on and check out what happened. He noticed a car and two people, one lying seemingly unconscious and the other one trying to help him. They must've been ambushed, he thought. He also saw numerous creatures closing in on them, knowing that he has to act now. Not thinking much, he jumped into the action with a well-placed shot on one of the mutants. [i]"Keep doing what you're doing, I'll hold them back the best I can!"[/i] he shouted to the two, not even introducing himself. Shooting another two bullets, he drew his katana and stood ready for the creatures. Using a safe moment, he plugged in his earphones and turned up [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwsldHYA_aA]some music[/url] to add to the vibe.