Fury flew over and joined his foe on the rocky platform, his knees taking his weight more noticeably than usual. He winced inwardly, but outwardly he was a rock, and a pretty angry one at that. “Now you’re pissing me off.” Fury spat, with no further time-wasting conversation spared with his hardy foe. His energy shielding blazed into life, unfortunately it wasn’t going to be very sustainable, but it was impressive at least. This battlefield was much like every other petrified island suspended by webbing, though it was at least fifty feet in diameter, and Fury was at least three quarters of that distance away from his foe by his reckoning. A speedy advance would be ill advised for both parties, considering the length of time the opposition would have to react. With this in mind, Fury placed himself into a simple boxing stance with his left foot leading. However, his guard was purposely low to increase his field of vision, and all the while he judged his opponent’s strange metallic structure which glowed with energy from inside. Fury was amazed that he could still maintain the machine for presumably all the time since he had first felt it activate… Fury would have been dead long before now if he’d tried to maintain his own more powerful form.