Mathias walked over as he crossed his arms. He rose an eyebrow. "Are you not aware that there are five precise places a sniper could set up and have a clear shot at you sitting there?" he asked. He looked at, imagining that they was someone out there right now. His phone would beep and notify him of course, but all the same. Caution had kept him alive until now. "I will inquire about bullet proofing your window, if you must sit there instead of the desk. Are you not worried, Ms. Anderson? I am relieved you're [i]safe[/i], but safety is a fleeting notion. You may be for a moment, but it all changes in a blink of an eye. Excuse the redundant phrase." He looked at his watch. It was fast approaching nine. "Ms. Ackerman should be arriving soon I surmise. You should get ready," he said. "If you don't wish to go, I'll kindly tell her, if you're uncomfortable? It matters not to me." What had her father done to warrant more protection? Ryleigh was as interesting as a dull piece of paper. She had routine, aversion to danger, and enjoyed the very simple things. Unlike the politicians, movie stars, and business folk Mathias had the pleasure of visiting, she was simple. However, a job was a job. Perhaps he could make it more bearable somehow. That would increase the personal aspect; he didn't want that. What was he to do? Saving him from his indecision, he heard a knock from the door. "Who is it?" He had only needed to hear the voice to know it was Lainy. She came into the room wearing an outfit that fitted the stereotypical image of a party girl. "Evening Ms. Ackerman. You're here early."