Gabriel looked at the girl darkly his eyes narrowed deeply at her "watch your tone with me. Let me tell you this . I ran away because all the fighting its dumb and stupid and there is no reason for it no one bit" he said darkly his eyes glowed gently and the place shuddered and shook. gabriel though sighed gently and shook his head slightly "this war better end soon" he said gently looking at the ground gently eyes closed gently. he was afraid, even the mighty archangels could be afaraid at times ____________ The daughter of Lucifer just smiles and made sure the sheild was strong and tight. Not even Wrath could get in or his little pets into this place. She said her goodbye and vanished. yes she could just vanish from the place. She did her wings teleporting her off into a park four miles away and that where she sat and hummed playing a flute that made the creatures of earth and Hell and Heaven in about one mile get soothed and start to get very sleepy. she was no dumb demon she was very bright and knew of Wrath and his hounds for many years. She then made a small charm around the humans. she was able to do that it was one of her mother's powers to put charms on people. this charm would allow her to make humans act like pure beings making hounds NOT want to bite of attack because in reality Heaven's magic burned much more deep then hell's . With that she relaxed his eyes closed and humming gently and stayed relaxed. She knew she would have to go home pretty soon so she sighed sadly and looked at the sky gently and hummed. She started to sing her voice much like her fathers was a magical tune, the deer and animals watched her from around . they stayed far off but they liistened to her sing. the wind shifted and she decided it was time to start heading back. She knew her spells and magic wouldn;t hold but it was part of life. She walked off toward a black portal that would allow her home.