Takiko grew panicked as she carefully prodded at the headwound, trying to find out how deep the wound really was. She used her shirtsleeve to wipe the blood away, though that didn't hold out long, since this kind of wound tended to bleed badly. She glances around and saw more creatures getting closer. Cursing, she turned to shoot at them, though most of the bullets didn't hit their target. She really was a horrible shot, even though one would think she'd have to have had enough practice by now. She turned back around, looking at the injured guy. He seemed to be losing consciousness, obviously because of his headwound. He had barely managed to react to her presence, exept flinch and nod at her. She would have to move him to properly treat his injuries. He needed to rest and something to eat, since he really had lost a lot of blood. But even though Takiko was strong, she didn't think she'd be able to carry this guys dead-weight all the way back to her van. While shooting all the creatures coming for them. Taking a few deep breaths, she tried to calm herself and put together some proper thoughts on how to proceed. First, she needed to do some first-aid for both the head wound and the arm, he couldn't afford losing any more blood, since there was no way they could they could replenish it without him being awake and able to eat. She was just about to get the first aid kit from her backpack, when she heard a shot right behind her. Takiko whirled around, her eyes wide and going even wider at what she saw. Another survivor. And one willing to help and hold the creatures back until they would be ready to move. She didn't answer his words, just grit her teeth and did as he said, trying to ignore the sounds to be heard from behind. When she turned back around, she noticed another first aid kit lying on the ground a few meters from them. It must have been thrown our of the car when the accident happened. She got up and ran over, grabbing it and hurrying back, kneeling back down again and spreading it open on the grass. Her eyes went back to her patients face. "Stay awake!" she told the guy, not loud or agressively, just stern and clearly audible, so that even his damaged brain, that likely wanted to shut of, would hear and comprehend the words. She reached out, taking both sides of his face in her hands and looking at him, trying to catch his eyes. "You have to stay awake, okay?" she repeated. It was important for him not to lose consciousness now, because with a head injury like that it ould happen that he would not wake up again. She let go of him and grabbed one of the knifes in her boots, pulling it out to cut off his shirtsleeve and reach his injured arm better. With quick, trained motions, she started to clean up both wounds as best as she could at that moment, then carefully patched up the headwound and bandaged the arm. She looked up. "You still with me?" she asked him, trying to make out his condition. Then she glanced back to make sure their knight was doing alright.