[b]Name[/b]: Captain Lontok 'Snaketung' [b]Age[/b]: 21 [b]Appearance[/b]: Lontok's frame is of average height for an orc, leaning more to the leaner side. Lontok contributes this to a malnourished upbringing under his former masters. He has very sharp eyesight and gaze, along with longer ears than most orcs. His most notable physical attribute is a serpentine forked tongue he was blessed/cursed with. Lontok can usually be seen licking his lips and face with it to ward off insects, or catch them. If it wasn't for his more brutish features one might mistake him for a large goblin, but his skin is too green, and his tusks too long for that. His long dreaded mane is kept at bay at his nape in a small bundle also. A series of Drow characters are branded down his neck in gnarled pale scar-tissue, and his back bears many scars of lashings.He wears a trademark sleeveless leather tunic and what can only be called a tattered robe dragging at his ankles, torn and dirty but barely distinguished as a once black Drow flag(a trophy of a personal victory of his when he escaped.) [b]Skills/Abilities[/b]: [list] - Linguist. Lontok knows several dialects of orcish, human, goblin, and eleven. He is more fluent in the formers than the latters. - Bowman. Lontok picked up archery during his days under the Drow slavers. He considers himself one of the best shots in the company. He's also a fletcher if he were to have a trade. - Fleetfoot. Lontok considers himself very fast and agile, and leans toward these traits when in battle over common themes of brute force of his brothers. He's also sneaky for an orc, clandestine acts coming natural to him during his years as a reluctant slave to dark elves. - Diplomat. Due to his knack of languages and talkative nature, Lontok is very diplomatic for an orc, even an outcast such as the company consists of. [/list] [b]Equipment[/b]: [list] - For a helm, a leather cap suffices, small plates of steel and chainmail sewn into it. His red sash covers everything below the eyes. - A crimson fabric of some kind(looks to be eleven in weave if one were to look at it closely) wrapped and draped around his neck and shoulders . - Heavy iron plates sewn into a leather sleeveless tunic, leather arm and shin braces with iron bars sewn in, chainmail tunic with plate kilt. Accents and linings of fur around the tunic and kilt provide warmth when needed - A heavy dark elf[url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs19/f/2007/269/f/1/Elven_Long_Bow_by_ToastMan85.jpg] warbow[/url], restrung on steel pegs for high-tensile pull. His quiver is strapped at an angle across the small of his back, black leather and containing about a score of various stocky arrows. Lontok keeps a [url=http://zombietools.net/images/weapons/new-tooth-600.jpg] large dagger[/url] tucked between the plates of his chest armor also. [/list] [b]Personality[/b]: Lontok is very talkative, never afraid to speak his mind(he's gotten the snot beat out of him throughout his orcish life for that trait). He has a strong knack for learning for an orc, and for whatever reason does not share any xenophobic leanings that the tribes usually harbor. Unfortunately he is also quick to anger like the orcish stereotype holds, but usually lashes out verbally rather than physical. He is more prone to cooperation, having lived through many situations that required it between not only his fellow orcs but also other races. He also has a severe dislike for dark elves as a whole, though a individual could win him over if they proved their loyalty. [b]History[/b]: Lontok began his life a runt in a small clan of Orcs. Unfortunately this tribe warred with another tribe and lost, becoming indentured servants of the victors. Eventually this tribe either bit off more than they could chew, or a some other instance happened, but Lontok and his original tribe were sold into slavery to Dark Elves. Lontok was very young at this age but his early years consisted of labor befitting a little orc. He ran messages to and from the mines his larger kin slaved at, he did stable duties with slave humans, he even was a dockhand for some elvish sailors at one point. Being sold in and out of elvish, human, and occasionally orcish hands was not the kindest upbringing but by the time he reached fifteen winters he knew he would prefer to be his own master. It only took a few elvish throats slit in the middle of a bandit raid to accomplish his freedom. The human bandits would not accept him, but they did have a rather brutish orc among them that told him of a group of orc sellswords far off to the south he'd heard about. That was all Lontok needed to hear, not really knowing how outcasts functioned in this word being a former slave. It took him about two years to track down, but eventually he found the Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi. Radush Eyedrinker quickly found out about his elvish relations in his past and used his insight to better both Lontok's archery and the company as a whole. He's been with them for about four years now, and is considered an valued member of the group. His skills with the bow were quickly noticed(he is now a captain among the Spikes) and his diplomatic nature has managed to train nearly twice as many archers to the company assets since his arrival. During his time in the pike line he got stuck with the name Snaketung, and those Fresh off the Warg love to refer to him as that, they being very unsure about a slick talking orc. [b]Relationships and Acquaintances[/b]: Radush Eyedrinker--- Lontok considers him one of the few supporting figures in his short life so far, and certainly the one that most enabled his current successful track of life by allowing him to realize his full potential to himself and his ork-kin. Vibrasse the Elder---- One of a few quartermasters of the company, Vibrasse the Elder has shown the former slave many traditional orc values and customs Lontok was not aware of, and more importantly, ways of war Lontok had never dreamed of. Ushgar No-Trukk---- Lontok likes to talk, Ushgar doesn't seem to mind listening. Usually Lontok likes to bounce ideas off of the giants stoic visage. See has how Lontok not so secretly harbors a very un-orklike urge for teaching and learning, philosophy, opinions, languages and knowledge from his small collection of books gets ranted. Most everyone else just hears good ole regular complaining from the motormouth but Ushgar is a valued confidant for the archer. As far as Lontok can tell the big fella could and would squish him like a bug if he was too annoying for his own good, so he considers it a profitable relationship. Perhaps some of the characters know one another, list those acquaintances here. Talk to each other in the OOC about it.