[b]Henrik Havarr of Tyr[/b] The debate seemed to intensify as Zarathustra weighed in. Henrik mused the fact that the two most prominent and bloodthirsty of the Jarl's had faraway stations to call home. They had the audacity to belittle Henrik's judgment, when it was Henrik's own bannermen who prowl Gotho-Nordic borders. Henrik had since seated himself, and after heeding the advice and inquiries of the Northerners, he presumed to stand once again, but he did not once look in Zarathustra's direction. "[i]If it is a perfect King you seek, then I am not your man[/i]," he glanced around, making eye contact with the young Jarless, then the withered but still regal Eyildr as well. Then man of all things gold, Bertil. He made eye contact with Ragnar and then looked back at the empty throne, the throne of the King of Norsia. "[i]There are men in this room that would lead you to war, to great victory even. And when the fires of war have died, what then will you have? You will have a King who rules just as he wages war. Without mercy. Without consideration.[/i] "[i]I have a grand vision of Norsia, and I would seek a reign that would see Norsia empowered for when our great grandchildren finally walk the world. A war with these Gothrans there may be, but I will see the coffers first filled, the serfs fed and the stones sturdied before I will march needlessly to war.[/i]"