[b]Spring 4. Crescent Town[/b] Long before the sunlight drifted through the window, smoke rose from the forge on the mountain. The sound of bellows being stoked and steel striking steel could be heard coming from within. The lone blacksmith was hard at work forging tools and other metalworks he had been commissioned to create. Jaylin Kent the Carpenter needed a host of nails, the Lumina Horse Rancher twins needed six packs of horseshoes, and Cherche Kara the Innkeeper needed two new pots. And so Alvin worked tirelessly so fulfill his orders, first came the pots. There were fewer of those and they were easier to make. First he'd take an iron disk and throw it in the oven, after it was heated he'd remove it with the tongs and hold over a metal platform that had a deep indent and start hammering the heated disk to shape. Alvin repeated this process until the disk was formed a dome shape to serve as the bottom, after that he'd bolt it to a another piece of metal that looked like a very large cookie cutter. He would then assemble the handle and work on attaching it to the rest of the creation. He'd repeat the process again and have two identical iron pots before midday. After that was done he took a cloth to his brow and a jug to his dry lips. Before he'd work on the horseshoes he would eat lunch, however upon inspection his pantry was empty, much to the smith's disappointment. He sighed, rubbing his brow as he thought aloud. "Perhaps I could deliver the pots and get a meal? Surely she'd not deny a starving artisan who comes bearing gifts." And with that his course was set, he collected the two pots and began his descent down the mountain, his destination: The inn. It was a leisurely walk to the inn for sure. Alvin admired the trees and loved the breeze on his skin, he listened intently for the chirping of the birds and chatter of the squirrels. He passed Jaylin's workshop and the bar, he wished he had the nails for Jaylin but he needed food before he could do anymore work. He passed the library and thought briefly about going in for few minutes, he enjoyed the books he found about birds. He shook his head as his stomach growled at him, "No best feed myself first then I can do some reading." Thought the blacksmith. Finally he walked up the steps and to the inn's double doors, the scent of cooking food drifting to his nose from within. Alvin gripped the right doorknob, absently admiring the craftsmanship as he did every time. He pushed it open and walked purposefully into the lobby. "Hello! It's me Alvin, I've got the pots you asked for!"