I'd be willing to continue this RP. I think it's a great idea, and I already put so much time into my character, which is below. :) [hider=Alvena Taylor][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Alvena Taylor [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 18 [center][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] ----------- Alvena has moderately long (a few inches above the waist) raven black hair that lays in rather large curls on the occasion that she wears it down. Alvena usually wears her hair in a bun toward the top of her head that allows her bangs to hang free during working hours and during the warmer months, occasionally wearing it in a ponytail or braid. When it isn't too hot, Alvena will wear her hair down. Alvena has side bangs framing both sides of her face as well as on her forehead, those of which slant from short to long from the left to right sides of her face. Alvena has midnight green eyes that are a brighter green near her pupil. Alvena's face is oval-shaped with delicate features hardened by her life of work and lack of proper nutrition. While Alvena's face is free of freckles, the rest of her skin is dotted with them in various shades and sizes. Alvena's skin is usually a cream color, although it darkens in the summer and lightens in the winter. Alvena does not have enough fat on her body to form all of the proper curves of a woman, but she does not appear emaciated either. While Alvena has significant muscle tone from doing odd jobs and tending to the house, it is not a major feature that one notices at first glance, if one notices Alvena at all. Alvena stands at 5'6", not really tall, but not short, either. In fact, there's nothing overly noticeable about her appearance at all. Her hair is soft and arguably her most attractive feature when she wears it down. Her skin is pockmarked with scars from both her childhood and accidents while working. There is a large twisted scar on her left leg from an accident she had while roofing a house in which she fell from the roof and landed on a saw. Alvena isn't self-conscious about her appearance at all, but she doesn't take pride in it either. Alvena usually wears either a loose summer dress or pants/shorts with a T-shirt in the summer, and sweaters with pants or skirts in the winter. Alvena doesn't usually wear clothes that she has made herself, as she thinks it seems prideful. [b][u]Magic(If applicable):[/b][/u] -------------- [i]Alvena possesses limited teleportation and time manipulation abilities.[/i] [b]Tier 1:[/b] With either enough concentration or emotion (fear, etc.) Alvena can freeze time for up to 30 seconds (although it is rather tiring) or for twice as long if she simply slows time down to half-speed. (Alvena is able to move freely.) Alvena can switch the placement of two objects if they are close together in distance and size and are of a rather small size. Alvena can teleport herself a few feet, but it is very tiring. Alvena can teleport a small object a few feet. Alvena must be touching any objects she wants to teleport. Alvena must rest for a few minutes after using her magic (cannot use it consecutively, must rest longer depending on what she did). [b]Tier 2:[/b] Alvena can freeze time for 1 minute, slow it for 2 minutes, and rewind time back 30 seconds (although it is rather tiring). Alvena can teleport objects of medium size, though they can't weigh very much. She still must touch objects to teleport them. Alvena can teleport objects about the length of the room is they are small, only a few feet if they are medium-sized (includes switching). Alvena can teleport herself the length of a room (very tiring, the less it is, the less energy it exerts, same with everything else). Alvena can teleport small objects into her opponents, possibly killing them (although it disturbs her) or objects into other objects (such as to break something). Alvena still cannot use her magic consecutively, though her resting time (as long as she did not exhaust herself) is only about a minute. [b]Tier 3:[/b] Alvena can freeze time for 2 minutes, slow it for 4 minutes, and rewind time back 1 minute (max). The max weight Alvena is able to teleport increases. Alvena can teleport small objects about two rooms' length (she has to be able to see where she is teleporting things) and medium objects about one room's length. Alvena can teleport herself one room's length without a problem and can teleport another person with her for a few feet (max). Alvena can use her magic consecutively, though it becomes more tiring every time she uses it without a rest in between. [b]Tier 4:[/b] Alvena can freeze time for 5 minutes, slow it for 10 minutes, and rewind back time 3 minutes (max). The max weight Alvena is able to teleport increases to about half as much as the max weight she would be able to lift with her arms. Alvena can teleport large objects (ex. piano, though it weighs too much) a few feet (max), medium objects around two rooms' length, and small objects as far as she can see (though not excessively). Alvena, while having to teleport objects at the same height as they were before, can now simultaneously teleport them up or down a few feet. Alvena can teleport another person with her for a room's length or two people a few feet (max). Alvena can teleport herself as far as she can see. Alvena can now use her magic consecutively for about one minute before she is exhausted. [b]Tier 5:[/b] Alvena can freeze time for 10 minutes, slow it for 20 minutes, and rewind time back 6 minutes (max). Alvena can now teleport objects weighing as much as she could possibly lift with her arms (max). Alvena can teleport large objects a room's length; she can teleport medium and small objects as far as she can see. Alvena can teleport small objects up to 10 feet in the air, medium objects up to five feet, and large objects only 2 feet. Alvena can teleport a person with her for around the length of two rooms, two people around one room, and three people a few feet. Alvena can now teleport objects without touching them (length depends on size and weight). Alvena can teleport to places she knows well if they are within around a mile (max) and to people she has strong feelings for if within the same distance (she could do this before, but only if she could see them or if they were close). Alvena can teleport objects about twice as high up or down as before. Alvena can now use her magic consecutively for about five minutes before she is exhausted. (I'll write more when we reach Tier 3 if you think I'm going in the right direction.) [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] ------------------ Alvena is a rather serious person, and although she has a sense of humor (she actually likes really bad jokes as well as good jokes), she hates people who goof off all the time. Alvena is friendly and kind, but not overly so. If she feels as if someone does not deserve her respect, she will not give it, but she's smart enough to know when to pretend to respect people in positions of authority. Alvena likes to speak her mind unless she feels something can be gained from not doing so. Since everyone she ever loved is dead and/or gone, Alvena puts herself first, securing her own interests before anyone else. In fact, Alvena can be rather selfish. Alvena is impulsive when it pertains to her emotions, but is very cautious when approaching other situations. (This is shown by her childhood fights with the neighborhood bullies.) Alvena tries to make friends with people who appeal to her, especially those who make her happy, as she no longer has anyone to talk to at home. Many townspeople avoid her, however, believing her to be cursed. Alvena tries not to think about her past and lives in the present, trying to be as happy as possible. Alvena really likes high-quality food, which is why she only eats twice a day (she can't afford anything more without spending money allocated to other things). Alvena is known for her death glare, stories having been told about how Alvena saw a man about to rob a woman and simply glared at him, causing him to blush sheepishly and walk away. Alvena is very observant, noticing even the smallest details around her without actively looking for them. Without meaning to, Alvena often comes off as an arrogant person due to her unapologizing nature and confidence in herself. Alvena is rather prideful, and won't back down from a challenge due to her competitive nature. [u][b]Background:[/b][/u] -------------------- As a baby, Alvena lived with her mother and father, who both worked in the mines. When she was five, her parents both died in a mining accident, her mother dying after going back in to save her husband. After that, Alvena lived with her grandmother, Aleida, who lived about halfway between Titan and the inner fields, who raised her. Aleida made clothes and other things with fabrics, such as rugs. While Aleida was not rich, they got along okay. When Alvena was 7 years old, she met Kobe at school, and they became instant friends, spending as much time as possible together. Alvena made practically perfect grades in school while Kobe was closer to an average student. When Alvena was ten, she began learning how to make clothes, finding she had quite a knack for it. Aleida enlisted a neighbor who was a good at combat to teach Alvena martial arts in order to defend herself. Alvena excelled, and by 13 she began learning how to handle knives and even a sword. When Alvena was 12, her friendship with Kobe slowly began blossoming into something romantic, bringing them closer than ever. Alvena began to show exceptional skills in science, pointing out patterns and solving problems no one else had even noticed. At the age of 14, Alvena and Kobe were the closest they had ever been, and people thought of them as a set rather than individuals. While Alvena didn't have many friends of her own, she often hung out with Kobe's friends, and they had fun together. However Kobe wasn't faring that well. He felt depressed and like his parents didn't love him, and began dabbling in drugs and other illegal activities. He joined some kind of gang, and no matter how Alvena would plead, he wouldn't stop. Just before Alvena was 15, The Sky Brigade learned of the gang's existence and began arresting everyone involved. Alvena heard of what was happening and went to warn Kobe, only to find that he had hung himself in his bedroom. After that, Alvena's classmates avoided her, calling her cursed. After graduating from school, Alvena became an intern in a research lab studying diseases. Alvena poured herself into her work, helping Aleida even more with the work and beginning to carve wood into art which Aleida sold, bringing in a little extra income. Alvena mastered using knives and swords after having worked with the neighbor for 5 years total and was dismissed from practices. When Alvena was 16, Aleida began to get frail and became sick. For a while it was fine, but Alvena eventually had to hire a nurse to help Aleida while Alvena worked, having to work odd jobs any time she was free while also continuing to make clothes. It was only a few months later that Aleida died. Alvena was devastated, but just as before threw herself into her work to manage her sorrow. After a year, Alvena became an apprentice to one of the best scientists in the research center, as she was considered a prime contender for a lead research spot later in her life. When Alvena isn't working, she likes to tend to the many plants inside the house and the small garden/flower bed on the small lawn. She also likes to read whatever she can get her hands on, as she loves to acquire knowledge. As one can imagine, Alvena doesn't sleep much. In fact, she doesn't like to sleep. Alvena had always wished, as long as she could remember, that she could turn back the hands of time to save those she has lost. She also blames herself in Kobe's case, thinking if she had just been there at the right time, then everything would be different. As it was, when Alvena realized her powers, she became very excited, wanting to master them and become powerful. She had always felt weak, and even her small abilities made her feel powerful. She longs for more power, however. Perhaps if she met someone who she could love, she would no longer desire to bring Kobe back so much. She foolishly believes that if only she can become powerful enough, she could bring Kobe and Aleida, and even her parents, back. She is alone and longs for someone to be friends with. [/center] [u][b]Theme:[/b][/u] "Teardrop" by Chouchou [/hider]