After Anwen mentioned telling her that she would have to make an important decision, it took Aidyn a moment to remember that Anwen had done her thing with the cards earlier. Aidyn didn't exactly understand what she had been doing or what she meant when she told her that; she had just asked to see the cards. They had pretty interesting designs, and she had needed some source of inspiration for later. “S-Sorry, Anwen,” she said, feeling pretty awful about the whole situation. She hadn't meant to drag them along with her, but it had inevitably happened anyway. Curious as to what she was doing, Aidyn walked over towards Anwen and sat on the floor to watch, though not before watching the crow fly out the window. Anwen's voice as she asked if any of them thought it would be a good idea to find a bathroom was a silvery color and felt like a gentle breeze as always. That caused her to smile because it wasn't the stormy lash that meant she was angry. Aidyn opened her mouth to say that finding a toilet didn't matter, though Nixie seconded Anwen's idea and gave her enough time to realize that saying that wouldn't be a good idea. It would definitely draw too many questions, and, while they were good friends, she didn't think that she wanted to answer those questions. A sudden yelp from Anwen caused Aidyn to jump as she looked to her friend to see what was wrong, noticing then that Chris had joined Anwen on the seat, and that he was asking about her predictions, his voice a vibrant green with the feeling of a strong hand. Aidyn tried to pay attention to what Anwen was saying to Chris, but it was a lot easier said than done. The words that Anwen was saying were registered and understood easily, but the how and the why of it eluded her, which is what made it harder for her to focus. As her mind wandered, Aidyn was aware of Luke talking to Nixie. His normally cheery voice was a little different, which was probably because of the atmosphere, so instead of being bright yellow, it was goldenrod. Likewise, it had the feeling of a stiff poke instead of the gentle pat that it usual had. Both of these were particularly sharp when he jumped and said Devon's name. A sudden shift in the feeling of Anwen's voice from gentle to firm caused Aidyn to refocus on what she was saying to Chris about the cards revealing something that didn't make sense. It was back to the feeling of a gentle breeze fairly quickly, however, as she talked about how she hoped that whatever was coming would make her smarter so that she could get better grades than her brothers. That was a feeling that Aidyn could understand. Marie, her older sister, treated her like a pest most of the time, while Codette liked to one-up her in everything. Both of them got better grades than her on average, though they couldn't touch her in math or English. “Does anyone want to go exploring or play a game?” Aidyn said once Anwen had stopped, her own voice a vibrant orange that had the feeling of pleasant warmth. She was beginning to grow antsy and wanted something to help pass the time and/or take her mind off the current situation. Her thoughts certainly weren't helping to lighten the mood of the room after all. Hopefully the others wouldn't be too upset with her to engage in some friendly activity. Surely they couldn't want to be there any more than she did.