[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/i5leYA0.jpg[/img][/center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/2uDBgEK.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/8mPMSWF.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/FDEt0pt.png[/img] [b][u]Tagress: Park[/u][/b] No sooner had Trixie lunged onto the ground, rolling around, playfully marking her spot and urging the others to hurry up and come, did she then start to scream. As something, someone, from out of nowhere, suddenly jumped forwards and landed on her face. “AH! CAT! CAT! OFF!! AHHH!!!” Nikki in her feline form then scooted off Trixie, playfully turning around and nuzzling Trixie’s foot before being shooed from the prankster kicking away. She had cat hair all over her face all over her face all over her face!! “Hahaha, Trixie, you’re being so silly!” Estelle giggled, leaning down and patting her friend on the head. She then turned to look over her shoulder, another infectious smile shining out as bright as the overhead sun. “C’mon guys, get the food out! C’mon~!!” “Hahaha…” Marcus laughed from behind the others, moving forwards to take advantage of a nice, bench resting beneath a large tree. He collapsed down into it with a deep sigh, his body still aching from top to bottom after the severe wounds he had incurred in the Pride’s battle against the Family. Some of the others had suffered either extreme physical injuries or extreme magical exhaustion- Marcus had suffered both, and on top of his broken arm which, whilst healing nicely hadn’t healed completely, was now taking a longer time to recover. It was a miracle actually he was even still alive. “It’s a nice day, isn’t it?” “Lucien! Lucien!” Estelle cheered. “Show us your animal summons! I wanna see them all! And Dylan! Dylan! Paint us please and- and- Selan! My hair!!!” Estelle had far too much energy.