Nixie walked walked away from the stairs and turned to look at Luke when he asked if she was cold. She shook her head hurriedly, her cheeks dusting a light pink. "No, I'm fine for now." She lowered her head, watching her shoe as she traced shapes into the dusty floorboards. Drawing was fun and she was momentarily distracted until Luke continued to talk, being so nice as to offer her his jacket. She glanced up and shook her head, eyes widening when the boy trailed off and stared across the room at Devon being really weird. It was that crow again. What a weird bird. Did it think they were going to feed it? Weren't crows wild? She shrugged it off and looked away from both boys. All three of them were strange; boys in general were odd, but sometimes... just sometimes, they could be sweet and cute, too, but they quickly went back to being silly little boys. She inwardly giggled at her random thoughts. She was the weird one. Walking over to the couch, she set down next to Aidyn. She listened as they talked about the cards, not really getting the whole fascination with them. How could they possibly tell the future? Magic stuff like that couldn't possibly be rule; her father said so and he never lied. Though the idea of a journey to make them all smart and strong really appealed to her. Because of her small size, she was always the last at finishing races or last to be picked for sports in gym class and though she loved to read, she had a really hard time with math and science. If she suddenly started to bring home all A+s on her homework, her parents would be so proud. Beaming at the very idea, Nixie glanced at Aidyn and nodded excitedly. "What sort of game Aidyn?" She looked around the creepy old mansion and the most awesome idea popped into her head. "This place would be perfect for hide and seek, wouldn't it?"