Silently, the duo moved past the gas station, headed toward the school. "That was a close one," hissed Tom. "Let's keep moving." Soon they were past the gas station and headed down the street. "We've got to steal school bus, move the children onto it, and get out of town. I don't think the killer, or... killers, have gotten around to searching the school yet." Tom was terribly concerned about the students, stuck in the school this whole time. He knew they would have food and water, because of the cafeteria, but how long would they be safe for. The darkness was well upon them, as they approached the school. They crept across the abandoned playground, waiting for another sound of the killer. In the distance, another shot ran out, though they did not know what the cause was. Tom could only hope that it was the killer being killed, and not another victim losing his or her life.