[b]Appearance: [/b] Acacia is 5’9 with long lower back length dyed red hair. She usually always wears a beanie to hold all her hair together with the exception of her fringe that sits lightly over her forehead. She is a slender figure who enjoys her fitness and jogging and keeps inline a taut form. Clothing style tomboyish and baggy she’s normally always found in baggy jeans that hide her legs, a cropped hoodie and a white tank top. Her shoes are black sneakers that she seems to have a supply of in case a pair gets ruined. She also has a few piercings: 3 lip rings one of which (the middle) has a small hanging ball on it. She also has a nose piercing and a nose ring which is connected with a lightweight chain to her right earring. She has multiple earrings on her right ear while there is only one on her left. [img] https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10006618_257980051070186_5162819420662371600_n.jpg [/img] When in uniform she wears the white and aqua female selection. [b]Name: [/b] Acacia Malikov [b]Nickname: [/b] Ace *name she uses for everything* [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Age: [/b] 19 [b]Supernatural: [/b] To be Discovered [b]Abilities: [/b] To be Discovered [b]Secret: [/b] To be Discovered [b]Sexuality: [/b] Pan-sexual [b]A bit about your character: [/b] Acacia wasn't raised by her real parents, she’d been found in an alley wrapped in a ripped filth coated blanket hidden inside a box. The small baby made no noise when found and had the companion of a red/tan canine, she spoke Russian as she was raised along with English due to the mix of culture in her home. Her canine has been by her side from day one, from one foster home to the next. But, when she is far from him she has noticed that she begins to feel weak, fatigued and confused. The bond between the two is greater than anyone could imagine and if anything happened to him, Acacia would be lost on what to do, though they do not separate easily and he has come with her to the Academy, on her application of entrance she'd supplied information that he was a therapy/service dog for the girl due to what she'd call mental difficulties only settled by the companion. Another thing that is for sure is even at 19 years of age (she never admitted the true age to anyone) the canine looks young, energetic and as lively as a pup, he goes by the calling Koshmarik meaning Little Nightmare in Russian, because, to some he could be seen as such if discovered. [b]Pros & Cons: [/b] To be Discovered [b]Class President: [/b] No [b]Theme Song: [/b] N/A [b]Open for Romance: [/b] Yes, Definitely [b]Private Dorm: [/b] Yes *Updated info on Koshmarik and thought I'd split his information from Ace's* [b]Koshmarik Appearance: [/b] [img] http://www.puppypoopy.com/doberman01.jpg [/img] [img] http://www.fordogtrainers.de/images/Dobermann-Hundegeschirr-Leder-Echt.jpg [/img] Always wearing a harness with a leash and two chains around his neck unless in a contained place. [i]Height:[/i] 70cm to shoulder ; [i]Weight:[/i] 44kg (97lb) [b]Age:[/b] 19 (looks roughly 2-3) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Breed:[/b] Doberman Pinscher [b]Temperament:[/b] Alert, Obedient, Loyal, Energetic, Fearless, Intelligent