Marius chuckles as he walks over to his desk and grabs up his cup. The simple dark blue coffee mug is bone dry as he wanders back over to the coffee maker. Pressing the pump at the top of the thermos he puts a little hot water into it, swirls it around, then dumps it in the waste basket next to the table. He listens to the man's comments about his music and smiles warmly while still turned away from him. Pressing the pump again, this time he fills his cup before setting it down and plopping in a teabag. As he steeps his tea he pulls one of the disposable cups and sets it under the thermos spigot and fulls it with steaming water as well. “I like this kind of music when I'm facing something I don't feel like doing. Floyd manages to capture the feeling quite well, along with some of the stuff done my Alice Cooper and Ozzy Osbourne.” He turns, leaving his cup to steep on it's own on the table. Glancing down at the now loosened tie he raises an eyebrow, however he doesn't comment. Instead he walks over to where the man is standing and without asking he undoes the tie complete and begins re-tying it with a simple but elegant knot. As he does this he speaks softly. “If you really like the music, there is a little switch under your desk, right hand side, that will turn on the speakers covertly placed around your desk area.” He glances up, mid way through tying the tie. “The music will automatically turn off when the elevator doors to the floor open, so I don't have to worry about my music disturbing visitors. Next to the switch is a little nob which allows you to change the volume as well.” Snugging the tie into place, not too tight, but tight enough to angle his chin perfectly, he drops his hands but does not step back. His eyes are not reproachful neither is his tone as he begins speaking. “For many people who come to this floor, you are my face. You are what they see of me, and you are the first impression for everyone who steps out of that elevator.” He tilts his head slightly. “I have no problem if you don't want to wear your jacket, but I ask that you at least keep your tie strait.” He does not sound disappointed, just as if he's delivering impassive instructions. Stepping back over to the table he picks up his tea and drops the bag into the garbage before heading over to his desk and sitting down. He motions towards the steaming cup of water and says in a light tone, “You are free to use the disposable cups for now, however please do not hesitate to bring in your own mug. It can live next to mine, heh.” He takes a moment to imagine what the man would be like on coffee and the smile on his lips widen at the images the thoughts conjure up. He watches with a soft look in his eyes as the man makes himself tea, listening quietly to anything he has to say.