[quote=ERode] Actually...out of curiousity...what does it mean when they die? Grimm have no souls, so they aren't even alive the first place. Thus...can Umbra even insta-kill Grimm? XD [/quote] I'm assuming in a physical sense. A bisected Ursa is still a dead one, regardless of your philosophy on Mortality . [quote=HazmatMedic] Yes, sir. I can see how that could get very OP, very quickly. I would try and use it as sparingly as possible anyway, so it shouldn't really have much of an effect if you take control. And that was the whole point. I wanted them to get split up, primarily for the character development but also so I could talk to lots of different people rather than focus on my own, self-centred story.Looking good so far, GM. How far are we from getting out the Int Check and into an OOC/IC? [/quote] Well, as long as you know that for the sake of flow, I want to keep the teams as minimal as I can. One team is all I want, more will only happen if I know you guys can handle it. As for an OOC, since Irish just came in I'm going to assume that he's game fore this. Some time tomorrow or maybe even today I'll throw up an OOC into the Advance section and we can further discuss the future plans. I'm still waiting applications for GM's as well, if anyone is interested. First come first serve.