"Well, I guess that means..." Will began, but was soon cut off by a deafening roar that filled the entire camp. As screaming children began to flee the play areas and the eating hall Will spied a huge creature over where he guessed was around were Mark stood. The monster was at least two and a half meters taller than the wall and clad in all white fur. Though Will could only barely see the creatures top half, he guessed the monster stood on two legs. What Will could see, was absolutely terrifying, the monsters head, which was directly connected to its shoulders without a neck, had two lengthy fangs protruding down from its hairy mouth. The creatures eyes all red and bright with anger, and soon it took its anger out on the closest thing it could find, the big building. It began to ram its fists onto the roof of the building, and, after a few hits, will could see the ceiling of the back part of the large building crumble. Will, who had came out from he and his friends hiding spot to watched the spectacular show, gaped in awe. Soon, the monster began to yell out in agony, this confused Will, until he realized that the guards of the of the camp were probably attacking the terrifying creature. Will looked down at his shoes, they probably weren't going to get out after all. He sighed and turned back to his waiting friends, and then almost stepped on a spider the size of his foot. He jumped back a little startled at seeing the huge arachnid, something that was extremely uncommon in the camp. Will suddenly had an interesting idea, so he hurried the short distance to his waiting friends to explain to them his plan. "So, Mark's crazy monster probably isn't going to destroy the wall," he explained, " but it still may get us a chance to get out of here. All of the guard monsters are fighting against the Marks creature, so we could possibly sneak out over the wall. I saw a spider, but that doesn't, matter, well it kinda does. Oh, never mind, just, I could create a giant spider to climb over the wall and get us out while we ride on its back. The guards won't notice because they are too busy taking care of Mark's monster. So, what do you guys think of my plan?" Will was frantic, they might have a chance to get home again.