[center][b]East Watch Tower - Kasim[/b][/center] --- The blow to his left arm was exquisitely painful, but not enough to put Kasim out of action. He didn't need his left arm to use the short sword anyway, so it wasn't an immediate problem. It was rather disappointing that his arrow had only knocked the orc's helm off, but it wasn't a total loss. That blood creeping toward his enemy's eyes would be Kasim's best chance to deal with this fight quickly, to be the first to finish off his opponent and be able to claim the glory of being the best combatant in their little group. As the orc remarked on the fight as glorious, Kasim circled around to his shield side and made a quick slash at his enemy's leg. It had little force behind it, just meant to harass and draw a little blood if the blade's tip made contact. He kept on circling around as soon as he swung, moving to stay on the outside of the orc's axe range, ready to move quickly if the big bastard did anything crazy or if he saw an opening. Kasim was waiting for that blood to get in his enemy's eyes, for the orc to get blinded and distracted, at which point he'd rush in and go for the neck to end the fight in one blow, if possible. --- [center][b]Town Square - Zin[/b][/center] --- Upon finding her efforts largely futile, just one of the militia snapping out of their fearful stupor, Zin felt her own panic gripping her once more. She felt obligated to help the man she'd sent into battle though, and almost started to make more illusory fire to scare the spider to distraction, but she hesitated long enough to see something to make it even better. A small barrel went rolling down past the spider, and flames chased it. Zin yelled out to warn the militiaman, since the voice yelling about minding flames hadn't been specific enough for her liking. "Watch out for the barrel!" She drew on her magic to try to make illusion flames spring up in front of the spider, around the militiaman, flames about a foot high in a curve about five feet long in total to scare it and herd it back and closer to the exploding barrel. The soldier would feel no pain or heat from the fake flames, but hopeful the spider would flee them on instinct and run right into the other threat and leave itself open for an attack from behind as well. The only problem was that this level of flame conjuring was something she had not mastered, so she shouldn't be sure it would actually work. Zin concentrated as hard as she could on making the spell work, ignoring the other fighting going on around her for the moment.