Caelyn had seen enough. After the introductions of everyone and being very cordial back, she said "I'm thinkin' we should all be leavin' in the mornin'. Maybe see to all the dead tonight and help get them buried. There is nothin' left for us in this town, but I'm meanin' to be chasin' after that man in the robe. What he did to these people canno' be forgiven! I am goin' to be gettin' some sleep and I'll be expectin' one of you to help me tomorrow!" she said with a fierce grin. "Seems like we are all itchin' for some kind of revenge in some way and I know I'm no' goin' to be missin' it this time!" "Mara, I'm glad you are ok. Vera you have been sent from the gods, and Raena you always make me smile when I don' know how I can be. You all have my thanks, but I need to get some rest and let these bones heal." Caelyn bowed her head slightly and let the exhaustion from overdoing it carry her to sleep.