[center][i]The cherry blossom fell on the sidewalks of the school up in the mountains. It was separated from the rest of the world...some would even consider it separated from the “real world.” For most of the students in the school a “real world” life is far from reality. The students of the school are there for a reason, because they are have a hard time living in the real world. Disable, that is what these students are, whether it be a missing leg here, or a blind girl there, even someone who feared all of society, these are the students of the school. Yamaku High is not a place these students go to be forgotten and shunned from society, no, it is a place they can feel part of the real world. Whether it be a blind girl from a rich family, or a girl that can not even communicate with her own family. Everyone is accepted with open arms no disability is too much of a task for the staff of Yamaku. The students are like everyone else they love, they laugh, and they have fun just like any other high school students in Japan. That is the point of the school, to show these students that life can be normal. Their disabilities will dictate some aspects of their lives, but that most of their life can be taken into their own hands and they can live a normal life after their time Yamaku high school. That is where the story begins a school for the disabled and a couple of disabled students trying to work towards a feeling of normality.[/i][/center] ~ Mattchew --- “Thank you all for coming to the opening ceremony. We hope that everyone has a good year, and for those of you that will be staying in the dorms, I hope you have a good time,” The principal of Yamaku ended the main part of his speech with this statement. He always ended it like this, every single year. It always began the same with students having to file in at 7:45, the ceremony starting at 8:00 sharp and his speech ending at 8:25. Next it'd be the student council president, a deaf girl who would try her best to speak at the microphone, her speech, slightly less optimistic than the principal's. Then at 8:30 students would file out of the auditorium and head off to their classes. Though just like every year, not everyone would be going to the class from the auditorium. It was quite apparent of all the empty seats within the hall, students who slept in late, didn't care enough to come to the ceremony, or the wanderers of the school. One of the seats in particular belonged to a Mr... --- [center][b]Kyle[/b][/center] [b]“Oh Jesus am I late!”[/b] A voice screamed across the grounds. In full sprint, Kyle was hustling from the Dormitories to the main building where classes were being held. Shirt half buttoned up, only partially tucked into his pants and his tie flowing in the wind, held tightly in his left hand, Kyle was the prime example of not knowing how to be a student. His morning exercise had taken up more time than he thought it was going to. After about an hour and a half of light jogging, punching exercises and weight training, Kyle had completely lost track of time. [i]“Day one of being a student and I’m going to be late to my first freaking class, -50 points to the foreign kid.”[/i] He scoffed at the thought, slowing down as he neared the entrance, he attempted to catch his breath and compose himself as he entered the building. Once inside he picked up his pace to more of a power walk, attempting to button up the rest of his shirt with his one hand. [i]“Now where the hell am I going? Homeroom right, that’s around…this corner? Wait, no, it was…up one floor? Damn it…I’m no good at this.”[/i] Frustrated at his own inability to figure out where he was going and focusing on the shirt buttons he didn't even notice the outstretched hand in front of him before he ran right into it. The sudden disturbance finally popped the cork on his lid. [b]“Hey kid, why don’t you watch where the hell you’r-,”[/b] he cut himself off short and hung his head down. What the hell was he doing yelling at this guy, it wasn’t his fault that Kyle bumped into him, frankly Kyle wasn’t paying attention in the first place and its not like it was this guy’s fault that he’s late to class. [i]“He’s probably scared out of his mind right now, you just yelled at him you idiot!”[/i] Kyle sighed and clenched his fist, [i]“gotta make this right.”[/i] “Hey look man,” Kyle scratched his still hung head, “I’m sorry, it’s my fault, I didn’t mean to-“ a piece of paper slowly made its way into Kyle’s view. Following the outstretched hand to its owner, he found….[i]"this guy….literally has the blankest expression on his face"[/i]…not the reaction Kyle was expecting. Standing more upright he took in the sight of this guy, his clothes looked a bit disheveled, his hair was white, long, his eyes, mouth…general face area completely blank if not slightly confused, Kyle couldn’t tell. His hand though was waiting expectantly, Kyle thought that maybe he wanted Kyle to take the paper from his hand. When he finally did and skimmed its contents Kyle realized this guy was just looking for his homeroom too. “Man you seriously picked the wrong guy to stop today.” At most, a slight head tilt was the guy’s only response, maybe he was deaf? No…if he was just deaf he would have made a better attempt to stop Kyle then just an outstretched arm, there was definitely something up with the guy. Regardless he couldn’t just leave him here, so handing the guy back his schedule, Kyle motioned for him to follow, when he didn’t immediately Kyle took him by the arm and started leading him to his homeroom. There was zero resistance which could mean that the guy was used to being dragged around, but that wasn't the prevalent thing on his mind. With him this close in proximity Kyle couldn’t help but notice that there were some pretty strong scents coming from the guy. Most of the scents were pretty weird smelling and while Kyle couldn’t place half of them, he didn’t really have the time to think on it. At least now when he went to homeroom he’d have a better excuse than, “Sorry I lost track of time because I was working out so I could cope with my failed life goal.” ...Actually that excuse was pretty valid too. Eventually Kyle found the guy’s homeroom and greeted the teacher before pulling the guy in. The teacher seemed to know this student and thanked Kyle for his help. He wrote a quick note down and handed it to Kyle telling him to give it to his homeroom teacher so he wouldn’t be considered tardy. After exiting the homeroom Kyle couldn’t help but stay behind for a few seconds, peeking in through the window in the door he saw the guy bumping into filled chairs before sitting down at an empty seat in the back. What his deal was, Kyle couldn’t be sure, nor did he really have the time to be doing this. Putting the note in his pocket he continued on his search to find his own homeroom. Finishing up the buttons on his shirt he now only had one problem; how the hell was he going to put on this tie?.