Mathias didn't have the heart to tell her that he could stop Lainy by using force. Of course, it wasn't a gentlemanly way to go about doing it, but he was sworn to carry out instructions from the daughter and her father. If Ryleigh didn't want to go, he would do what he could to make that come true. Oh how easier it is to just be given a target to kill! Mathias wouldn't have had to deal with stuff like this. There was too much grey area for his liking. He enjoyed the kill or don't kill choice. Much simpler. He studied Lainy. She was beautifully dressed, that much was true. His morality scoffed at the spartan outfit, but his more human side enjoyed it. "This should suffice, should it not?" he asked. He had seen visuals of college parties, and he believed he dressed much more fashionable than the greater majority of the alcohol ridden idiots. "Ms. Anderson doesn't wish to change into the articles of clothing you've described. Though I agree that the appeal isn't as profound as yours, it does not look bad whatsoever." His words was lost on the whirlwind of energy as Lainy proceeded to coerce Ryleigh into changing. He just stood there, staying out of it all until he was ordered to intervene. He blinked in surprise as he was referred as a 'boyfriend'. Banish the thought he said mentally. He crossed his arms while resisting the urge to roll his eyes. He had more things to worry about when they arrived at said party. "First names seem rather inappropriate given our relationship," he answered promptly. "Rest assured that I shall not embarrass either of you two too much tonight. Circumstances permitting of course." Mathias looked at Ryleigh's face as he observed her reaction from Lainy's last comment. He chuckled, which sounded more like a strangled cough. "Breathe Ms. Anderson. You'll collapse if you don't. Rest assured that I'm more than qualified to administer emergency aid if required."