[center][b]Mithias Aldaric Varomere[/b][/center] [center][img=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v178/Wraithblade6/jyrki__beautiful_vampire_by_vampiredarlla-d38dx8b_zps5d1aaaf7.jpg] [/center] [center]"Do not lose hope, for I am still here."[/center] Nickname: None. Age: 598 Looks: 27 Gender: M Species: Vampire. Unaffiliated with any coven. Mithias is an outsider of unknown parentage, a bastard vampire. Appearance: The most noticeable aspect of Mithias' appearance isn't his strikingly gold eyes or his unnaturally alabaster skin, it's his exceptionally long, shining, straight, black hair. You don't know if he has any tattoos, because you haven't beaten him enough to tear his bloody clothing from his corpse. However, you can't see any piercings so far, and who knows what else those two swords he's holding are protecting. His fangs are small, but his nails are fairly strong and sharp. What was his power again? Oh yes, determination. Personality: Mithias is hard to get to know. He's quiet most of the time, yet it seems he revels in nature, pausing to take an unnecessarily deep breath of forest air or to watch light puncture clouds in dancing rays. He must have been made from a very disciplined and patient human. It is curious who he may have been. He is never cruel. He kills, but is swift about it, seemingly never feeling regret in anything he does. A person like that should be at peace... but he isn't. The poor chap struggles with purposelessness, self doubt, ever fighting to strike a balance between forces he shouldn't need to meddle with. He seems to be after some crazy notion of redemption, wrestling with time, destiny, and the meaning of it all. Mithias is a servant without a master. History: Mithias was born sometime near the end of the 13th century in eastern Europe. If I cared, I would probably place him in present day Germany, but the exact country stopped mattering centuries ago. It was the time of the Templars and the crusades, and just before their fall. He couldn't claim to be completely unaffiliated with the order of knights, no one could at the time, but his family did have an alternative primary investment. They hunted the undead and unholy apostates, demons, and the like that plagued the dark and the unseen corners of their world. The things the Templars should have been concerned about but were too busy acquiring the riches of the east and the "holy lands." It was in this endeavor that Mithias came to be a product of his quarry, a god among vampires, yet not the devil himself. Laughable how the poor boy had no idea. Egregiously tortured by the change, Mithias found a myriad of suicides futile, much to his dismay. After an age, he pulled himself together and vowed vengeance against the vile beast that turned him and destroyed at its leisure. Encounters with his maker have been few and far between. Mithias was compelled to develop a mental barrier against his sire, which has served him well against other foes. His mind is impossible to influence or read against his will. Pathetic in his hunting, Mithias devotes himself to lesser causes until such time as destiny will grant his wish for revenge. Focused on staying alive long enough to achieve his ultimate goal, Mithias has chosen his targets carefully and vanquished them with caution. He strives to defend humans by taking out what enemies he can, but he is often forced to work alone or even against those he's trying to assist. Modern human hunters will not accept him, for obvious reasons, but his name is known among their inner circles, at least in European countries. He's come to the new world to continue his search. Equipment: Two bastard swords, a whip, daggers, hat, Abilities/Disadvantages: Mithias clearly doesn't appear human, and one look at his eyes confirms it. He has trouble, consequently, blending in with humans during the day. He also is the only guy around with no facial hair. Daylight also mildly hampers his vision and slows him down ever so slightly. Holy water and artifacts do burn him. He can be killed if his heart is destroyed, ie punctured/impaled/etc., if he's burned to ashes, or if decapitated. Sunlight won't do it. Drowning won't do it. ... and I'm not even sure dunking him in holy water would do it, but it would probably make him quite vulnerable. He heals almost instantly, moves faster than the eye can perceive, and has incredible strength, impeccable aim, reflexes, etc. as per vampires. He does have to drink periodically and his power or energy does have its limits. He has no "magic" and can't influence another's mind. He is very resistant to mind control, etc. himself.