Ivan slowly and regretfully opened his eyes has he heard his alarm clock going off, he rolled over on his bed and reach over shutting it off. The alarm clock said it was 7:30, meaning he was too late to see that presentation. He didn't care though, he came to the school because of their experience with those who had physical disabilities, not to hear speeches. He planted his palms onto the mattress and slowly dragged himself off his bed, plopping into his wheelchair. His crutch and walking stick were still safely tucked in at the back of the chair so he could still reach things and attempt to walk when he wanted. Though he didn't have the time to try now or he'd end up late for class. Ivan rolled his way into the washroom and got himself ready the best he could, before carefully changing his clothes. Once he was ready he opened the door and left his room. The school grounds were still unfamiliar to him, and now that he thought about it he wasn't even 100% sure how to get to class. [i]"Well this is great...[/i] Ivan thought. He knew he had English in the morning which was nice considering he was still learning Japanese so starting off with a language he already knew helped. He knew to get there he'd have to first leave the dorm hall obviously, so he made his ways around until he found the elevator whose exact location he thankfully did have memorized. He went down to the first floor and rolled out, from there he knew the classes were mainly organized by wings, so he looked for the English wing. There should be a sign or something? Right? Thankfully after a bit of wandering he did find the sign, and sighing with relief he looked at his phone to check the time... 8:30. Yea, he was going to be late. He rolled his way into the English hall and then stopped, he quickly dug through his school back and pulled out his schedule with the room code on it. E304 it said... which if their system was the same as Canada's that mean third floor, fourth room. So he began randomly wandering the halls yet again for another elevator, 10 minutes later he found it. Getting inside the elevator he made his way up to floor 3. On his way up he noticed the elevators were a bit slow, perhaps not to startle students? Maybe certain speeds make students with certain disabilities feel unwell? Regardless he got out and looked at the room code of the room in front of him. E320... Ok, so he was clearly at the wrong side of the hall, so he began rolling in a direction and watched the room codes slowly lower, 19, 18, 17... until he reach 304. Having finally got there he rolled up to the door which was already closed, class must already be happening. Noting his he quietly and slowly reach out for the doorknob, twisted it and with a light push the door slowly and gently opened with a light *creek* sound to it. No one seemed to pay him much mind as a teacher was still preparing his lesson it seems, so he rolled over to a desk without a chair so he would have room for his wheelchair. He got out his school materials out and looked around the room quickly, he had never seen so many people with varying disabilities in the same room before, especially is such a casual setting. Normally you'd expect these kinds of numbers in say a terrible accident where everyone's been wounded, but this seemed to be the norm and would be nothing that Ivan would need to get used to.