Skylark frowned at the curseword. He wondered if they liked saying bad things. Maybe it helped them from doing bad things, even though it made the blue haired lady mad. Smiling up at Leo, the child shrugged and rolled away. Literally- he found his legs and arms are quite sore, so rolling seemed to be the most effective way to moving around. Unfortunately, it forced some of the others to wonder what the heck he was doing. He listened in obvious interest to Ferrum and Sanare. But Daddy was a dragon, right? Sure, his scales were black, but so were a bunch of his friends. Why were they all called hy... dra? Were they different? Eyebrows furrowing, he eyed over Daddy's friends. What was different between them and Father's friends? Hmm.... Aha! They all had pretty purple eyes, just like him and Daddy and Sleipnir ! He pouted at Sanare. "Yeah, Daddy's super nice! He wouldn't hurt anyone!" He then paused. Well, he did bite Sleipnir ... Maybe it was an accident, though. Could they be right? There was an awkward silence in the room as the two Ygdrassil Knights were deep in thought. Well, Halley was thinking. Lucian was back to crying. They could only wonder how he was able to become a Ygdrassil Knight. "Not to contradict you," Noire began, "But if Edge was my enemy, I'd make sure he wouldn't be able to find me. Ever." She said mysteriously. Terra sighed, "I thought you didn't want to scare the kids, bimbo." Noire snarled. "It'd be worse for them not to know what we all can do." She responded in a way she thought made her sound even more badass. "I... don't remember..." Lucian murmured finally. He sniffled. "The last thing I do remember, is... is... is..." Halley rolled his eyes. "You expect me to believe all this bull?!? You're all liars!" He roared, trashing his tail around and causing Skylark to scream as the spiked appendage nearly decapitated him. "Be more careful, dude." December lectured irately. Edge would be pissed as hell if he returned to see the rotting corpses of his children while they were all alive and well. Ah, mostly well, anyways. The end if his tail brushing against his torso, a spike tore a line in his shirt, and his eyes widened as he felt something splatter out. "H-Huh?" Then, it burned. Strangely, he didn't feel angry or in pain. He just was shocked more than anything else. The cut was shallow, but it made him blush as his body heated up in pain. And then, he didn't wail or scream, but he felt tears roll down his cheeks as he pressed a hand to his chest and when he drew it back, saw warm red-black blood on his fingertips. What? But... Sleipnir's blood was blue... Halley's eyes widened. "Wh-what? Why do you have red blood? You're a dragon, right?!?" He demanded as Skylark felt his chest go numb. Eyes widening, he demanded back, just as loudly, "What was in your tail?!" Halley's eyes went wide and he began to back away. "What do you mean...?" Skylark growled softly. More than anything else, it was cute. "A poison? Or germs?!" He shouted, then cried out as a sudden pain spiked through his chest. Halley backed up nervously as the baby dragon fell to his knees, hugging his arms to his body in an attempt to numb the pain. Starting to freak out as the younger started calling for his Father.