Sleipnir seemed to be thinking the same thing, reaching up to touch his healing cheek. It had almost completely healed over. Albeit it was a slower healing than any hydra would be proud off, it didn't seem to be scaring over would seem that he had inherited more of Edge's genes. He watched Skylark roll over with curiosity, then looked up at the crying pink dragon. He didn't understand why he was crying, but he hated for people to cry. It couldn't have felt good, after all, he never cried when he was happy. Crawling over to Lucian, he patted the dragon's arm sympathetically, with the type of understanding only a child could have in sadness. And in anger, he glared up at Noire and Terra. He didn't care if they were dragon or hydra, how dare they insult his Daddy and say mean things about him, "Daddy wouldn't hurt anyone." He declared, earning a scoff from Ferrum. Unhindered, he continued on defending his father, "He would help all of you if he could!" His voice faltered slightly though, because Daddy hadn't protected Father when he got hurt.... His thoughts were interrupted when the cyan dragon swung his tail. He watched in horror as it cut through his brother, slicing up skin so easily. He didn't know how deep it ws and he didn't care because he saw red spill out from Skylark's chest. With a horrible wail, he rushed over to him, hand flying up to his wound. Trying to stop the bleeding frantically. He didn't know it wasn't fatal, all he knew was that his brother was bleeding and in pain and the last time he had seen something like that....He had lost his Father. Big fat tears fell from his eyes as he turned around at shouted at them all, "Do something! Get Daddy! Or Father! Do anything!" He wailed, hands painted red. He didn't want to lose his brother, his twin was all he had left. He had promised to protect him and now he was failing it. "This is all your fault!" He roared, stumbling over to hit the cyan dragon. Tiny fists against the hard scales, a black choking must escaping his body. Hands leaving red marks over the taller male's skin. He struggled when Sanare came to pick him up, like Edge, the baby dragon blamed others first before trying to fix the problem. His struggling stopped though when he was taken over to his brother. Leo already having rushed over, slicing open his shirt to revel the wound. Sanare set Sleipnir down next to him and then pulled out a chain round her neck. On it hung three clear orbs, full of brilliant clear liquid that had amazingly not shattered nor been vaporized during the whole tossing about. Taking a breath, she withdrew one of the pearls and crushd it in her hand. A thin layer of water gathers under her palm. There really want much left and she no longer knew what she was saving it for, "Be still, young one." She murmured to the child and pressed her palm against his wound. Sleipnir held his brother's hand tightly, unsure what the water dragon was doing, but trusting in her all the same. She smiled at him and reached over with her free hand to ruffle his hair and wipe away his tears, "Don't worry, it is not too deep, I'm cleaning it." He still cried all the same. The other dragons and hydras watched in silence as Leo held down the baby dragon to keep him from thrashing about while Sanare took care of his wound. Most averted their eyes, not willing to accept the act of teamwork. Some stared at it curiously, wondering if it could even mean something.