[centre][b]West Watch Tower - Abida Qisaf[/b][/centre] --- Once more the foolhardy singing sprite acted without thought or sense. By moving forward, the twisted game was begun, and of all things she offered [i]biscuits[/i] to the fellow Blade's. Abida looked down at her in disdain as she reached over her shoulder for the hilt of her sword. "Your very existence is a cruel mockery," she said before moving off. At least her other fellow's seemed quite a bit more capable. As they moved to fight the summoned demons, Abida turned her eyes to the true target; the girl of Sloth. It was by catching her that the game would end. Pulling the greatsword free from it's scabbard, Abida began moving quickly towards the girl, her eyes darting in case she should catch a glimpse of the hidden hooded man. --- [centre][b]Town Square - Thailen Vicariss[/b][/centre] --- A bitter smell rose from the acidic poison as it began to burn it's way through her leather armour. Her charge slowed as she moved to tear it off. Ahead, Eldrick began attacking the spider, and Thailen realized the spider would attack again. This time, the spider might strike more than a glancing blow. If it did, Eldrick's death would be on her hands for driving him to action. Thailen continued her charge forward, ignoring the beginning pinpricks of pain in her shoulder. If they survived a healer could tend to it, but only if they weren't consumed by the explosion. Lashing forward with her whip, she hoped to yank the spider off of it's feet, throwing it's aim awry and giving Eldrick an easy strike.