"Geez. I really do have to take baby steps with both of you." Lainy shook her head as she ruffled through Ryleigh's wardrobe, causing disorder to the colour coordinated and organised clothes. It was funny to see Ryleigh get more distressed over the mess Lainy was making and it was always a good teasing point, her friend thought. Ryleigh was too clean. Too tidy. Too organised. A little mess in her life wouldn't cause too much damage. "This is why you haven't got a boyfriend, Ryleigh. Too tidy and too boring." "And you Matt, need to work on Ry and Lain. So start. We're not going to listen to any orders you give until you call us by our names. And think of all the danger we could be in if we're not listening to you." Finally, a skirt was found and pulled out of the mess. "Here. This will do. Baby steps. Go put on the skirt." It was funny to see her horrified look, but what was even funnier was the way her cheeks went bright red, almost the colour of her hair. And when Matt added to the conversation they only went redder. "Oh God. Don't breath, Ry. Don't breath. He'll be kissing you then! Wait, can I get the same treatment if I stop breathing?" Lainy smirked, loving every minute of tormenting her friend. In the end Ryleigh grabbed the skirt and changed in the adjoining bathroom. Coming out she looked as uncomfortable as ever. At least she could keep her shirt on. That much she was glad about. Just in a skirt, she felt too revealed. "See, doesn't she look stunning, Matt? All the guys are going to be running after you tonight!" "They better not be." "They probably won't be. But I know that the girls are going to be after Matt so you better keep him close and let them know he's yours." "He's not mine!" Ryleigh hissed, trying to not let Matt hear what they were actually talking about. But Lainy made no effort to keep quiet. "Just you wait. A little bit of alcohol in you both and you'll be lip locked in no time!" "One problem with your theory. I don't drink." She knew what alcohol could do and because of that, Ryleigh had decided not to touch the stuff, ever. She'd stay sober for the rest of her life. Boring just like Lainy thought she was, and now Matt probably thought it too. By the time they actually got to the party, it was nearly ten because of Ryleigh's fussing over the make-up that Lainy insisted that she wore. The girl was laughing at her friend the entire time. Lainy found it adorable really, how Ryleigh was despite saying it made her boring. It was all just light teasing, of course, but it made Ryleigh adorable and Lainy knew that a guy just had to find Ryleigh's quirks adorable too and then she'd have someone. Finding someone that didn't find Ryleigh weird and boring though, was a challenge. She needed to find someone that could teach Ryleigh a bit about disorganisation and adventure. Just like the party was when they got there. Lainy immediately picked up three alcoholic drinks for them all, and was off mixing with the boys, leaving Ryleigh standing there awkwardly, sticking out like a sore thumb as she didn't quite know what to do with herself and she didn't dare touch the drink she still held.