December watched in disbelief. Did that idiot really...? However, she was late t react as Sleipnir took matters into his own hands, "Huh? Black... mist?" She mused curiously, though she believed it would be amusing to let Halley choke to death, she sighed. If he died, then how would they ever know if he was telling the truth or not? Unlike the others, the oracle considered his story and was thinking of seeing him though... The cyan dragon grunted, being punched by the little dragon packed a punch, and then he felt like he was dying in a cloud of black mist. Until a cool cloud came and pushed it away. He turned to look at a grinning December. As he moved to get up, Terra held him down by placing a foot on his tail. "What are you-" The earth dragoness pressed down, causing the other to groan, "Be calm. I am only restraining you, you idiot. " Lucian frowned, seeing Sleipnir cry. He deserved so etching for his kindness. The orb at he end of his tail glowed as he focused his aura on the baby dragon's. He then soothed the other by gently massaging his aura. All he while the pink dragon didn't move an inch from where he was sitting. He smiled gently. Skylark whimpered as his shirt was stripped off, and as his wound throbbed. And then the nice water lady came close with water, and he smiled at her, only to twitch in pain as he felt the water like a million different tiny hands digging into his cut, though as soon as she was done, Noire came and rudely but not as roughly bumped Sanare to the side and traced her thumb against his wound, causing him to groan as his skin closed and the scar faded. "Hm... there, good as new!" It was then Charon came tumbling down he stairs, continuing to roll further than Beelzebub. One eye was red and bloodshot, and his stomach was cut open in several places, forcing him to plug it with his palm. There was wet blood all over him, causing Noire and December to look at him in shock, December even screaming. He fell almost at the feet of Ferum, groaning in pain. His hair was pulled out in clumps, and his face had countless scratches from someone with really big claws, one arm was broken, and a white bone was sticking out. Charon had skin and flesh ripped from his body in several places and his breathing was ragged. Noire and a few other rushed to his side at once, the hydra trying in vain to heal him faster, tears welling up in her eyes. Tail glowing, Lucian shot a white laser at Charon from his tail and kept it there, though he screamed out as Forte knocked him out with a scowl, not wanting the stranger to hurt any of his allies. However, Charon was back in one piece, though he still had several bruises. He was able to mutter, however, "Beelzebub... did... this.." "The Oracle's vision!" Sila cried out in realization.