[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [b]Tobias’ Gala: Bar[/b] Cor! Look at this bartender go! It would almost seem to be a waste to go for the usual beer. Moira threw her head back, downed the remainder of her champagne, then slammed her glass on the bar. The delicate stem did crack slightly, but she didn't notice. Amy ordered a pint of [i]vodka[/i]?! Moira didn't realise she had been craving alcohol that bad! Still, she shrugged and nudged Aria's waist. "Yeah, you got that look about you. Actually, I'll say you two are probably the only two of us who look like they fit somewhere like this." She sighed, resting her chin on her hand. "If you've got anythin' in mind to try, I'm up for it. I'm up for anything." Especially if it meant the bartender could do more of his thing. Phwoar. [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b]Tobias’ Gala: Table[/b] Find someone who enjoyed talking about technology and machinery? He'd be happy with someone who just laughed at his snarky jokes. Oh well, as Lucien didn't try and force him or Lute into a date, it should be fine. Wait why were the last names nessessary?! Syed flushed even more, giving them a quick, rushed bow before taking a seat himself. This was so awkward this was so so awkward... And it was made even more awkward by one of the girls really [i]staring[/i] at him. She muttered something to one of her friends, although her voice was generally too low for him to hear. He was sure he caught the word [i]'exotic'[/i] though, which caused him to narrow his eyes. Oh no if they were going to be like that he was out of here. Selan may have embraced that label, but he [i]didn't[/i]. "So..." one of the girls said to break the ice, "where are you guys from?" "Kinnersby," Syed said quickly, stiffening when he realised his blunder. Um, woops. Moira would murder him if she heard him say that. At least Kinnersby was such a small rural hamlet that nobody knew it even existed. Still, he had committed by now. "It's uh, 20 miles from Ranthel." He could see the dissapointment clearly on one of the girls' faces as she recognised name of the Artar town. Okay he wanted out of this convosation [i]now[/i]. Flushing spectacularly again, he turned in his seat to flag down one of the passing waiters and waitresses for some drinks. "Anyone fancy anything?" he asked awkwardly, ordering himself a lemonade.