This was it. A fresh start in an otherwise unfamiliar place. Kaori didn't know anyone, or have any friends here but her parents had promised that it would be for the best. She would miss her family, her younger sister most of all, but both her father and mother spoke highly of this place called Yamaku. She had only arrived at the dorm the day before the opening ceremony and the start of school so most of her things were still packed away in her moderately sized dorm room. Kaori spent most of the first day taking pictures of the school from every angle she could reach although it took her a while on her new legs. She had only spent a few months walking after being confined to a wheelchair while she waited for her prosthetics to be made and still she felt uneasy. Even the simple act of standing up required a degree of concentration still but the doctors had assured her that with time movement would become more natural. She had no reason to doubt that it was true but she couldn't shake the feeling of standing on what were essentially stilts. The prosthetics themselves were remarkably life like however and the exterior even matched her complexion so to the untrained eye one might not even notice them, a fact that made her feel a bit better about her situation. The opening ceremony wasn't anything special and, in fact, it seemed almost ordinary which was not what she had expected. During her time at the hospital everyone treated her as if she were a porcelain doll that could fracture at the slightest discomfort. It was a bit overwhelming but it wasn't as if she couldn't understand why. She still had dreams of the incident that caused her current situation. It wasn't something she liked to recount but she had little control over the memories that haunted her dreams. The nurses almost psychically picked up on this and responded with kind words of reassurance. In fact, the entire school aside from it's understandably large medical facilities seemed like any other school she had been to. It was odd but it made much more sense than the bleak mental hospital-esque vision she had anticipated prior to her arrival. After all, such a setting would be horrendously depressing. It seemed that the only difference between this school and her previous one was the abundance of students with unique conditions such as herself, although she suspected they were not [i]quite[/i] as [i]unique[/i] as she was. Once the opening ceremony had finished she made her way to her homeroom class,which thankfully would be on the first floor as she hadn't yet mastered stairs with any degree of grace. Upon opening the door to the classroom she was greeted by a rather cheerful looking woman, possibly in her thirties, who was apparently the teacher. Kaori gave a polite bow as she replied in her most polite tone, "I'm Mori Kaori. Pleased to meet you, Sensei." The woman smiled as she motioned for Kaori to take a seat, "Have a seat anywhere you like Mori-san. Class will begin shortly." Only about half the students had arrived as Kaori was a little early to class. She took a seat in the second row from the window and in the middle, the same seat she had in her previous school. Ruffling through her school bag, which was slightly over-sized, she moved past her notebooks and her camera to find her Sony Xperia tablet. Having nothing else to do until class started, she decided to doodle in the meantime.