[center][img]http://i1094.photobucket.com/albums/i452/Hillanx/Redhoodlogo_zps988d8b1e.png[/img][/center] [b] New York City Brooklyn 01:14 A.M[/b] The man of the age of 26 was sprinting over the rooftop. His heart was pounding against his chest, and sweat was running down his face and back. His legs felt as if they were on fire. He looked behind him, and then pressed on forward faster. He let out a yell as he jumped off the roof-top, to the lower platform, rolled onto the ground, and climbed down. The guy was a rather skilled free-runner. He rolled backwards as he hit the ground, and then continued to run down the alley. He was almost in his own territory now. [i] Almost..[/i] He rustled down a alleyway, and took a turn. He came towards the gangbangers, the ones who belonged to his screw. "Ayy. Holmes. Who ya' runnin' from?" The man panted, leaning forward. "H-he" "Chas..." He couldn't form a completely sentence, both from exhaustion and nervousity. "Vamos, man! Whatcha runnin' from? The cops?" [b]"I think he's running from me."[/b] A voice said above them, as the vigilante in the black suit dropped down into the circle that had formed around the runner. He grabbed two by the neck, and jammed their heads together knocking them out. Before the others could react, he kicked a third one in the ribs, sending him flying into the alley wall, knocked out cold. Fourth threw a punch. The hero Spun around, and lifted his leg up, and wrapped it around the somewhat taller man's arm. He then clenched his leg, breaking the arm just above the elbow, and then used the momentum to spun around and throw the guy into a dumpster, the lid falling over him. "Now then.. Jean-Luke... Time to talk." The masked man said. "W-Who are you?" The man said, his skin pale, and he was still panting. [i]"I'm the Red Hood."[/i] Jean-Luke let out a scream before he went silent. The police would find Jean Luke's full confession about smuggling, rape and murder, along with the five thugs in the alley in a few hours. *** Jason Peter Todd walked into Titan Tower, talking on the phone with Bruce. “Do I really have to deal with the sidekicks again? Bruce, come on. Make me run special-ops, or something. Not babysitting.” Jason complained, Bruce didn't budge. Saying that it would make him a better team player, and it'd be good for him to meet some old friends-. “Yeah.. Because you're the authority on team playing and friendship... 'Batfamily - Friendship is Magic.'.. You're a hypocrite. But fine. I'll babysit.” Jason said, as he hung up the phone. He was wearing casual clothes, with the natural exception of the red domino mask covering most of his face. “Okay.. Where the heck's Iron Fist?..” The former Boy-Wonder exclaimed, carrying his dufflebag with him.