Sleipnir's tears dried out quickly and he didn't know why, but he turned up and smiled at Lucian. Then he held Skylark's hand tightly and pulled his brother into a hug. He was so happy. He had thought he was about to lose his brother, "You're all okay now." He cried out happily against him, trembling when he could finally feel relief wash over him. Sanare didn't mind being shoved away as she looked down at the two happy brothers, glad that they could at least have this moment. Very carefully, she discarded the water and fingered the remaining too orbs around her neck. They weren't much, but they were probably the last few drops of clean water left on this entire planet. And it was a precious thing. Very carefully, he leaned down and picked up the strewn leaves of the Ygdrassil. Even if the tree had died, the leaves were still precious medicine and with the help of Terra, they could make medicine out of it. Her picking of the leaves was interrupted though when the hydra came tumbling down the stairs, narrowly missing Beezlebub who was sitting right at the bottom. Regnum came running down right after, unfortunately, he didn't miss Beezlebub and ended up crashing into him an rolling out onto the floor. The hydra growling when his red hot scales burnt him. Growling, they both pushed each other off. The hydra rubbing at his sore burning scales while Regnum was quick to push himself to the other end of the room to avoid burning anyone else, staring over at the mess that was Charon, "I found him upstairs like that...but ah...everything is sealed up stairs, it's kind of dark up there. Then again, I found a whole tanker and fridge of food and water that could sustain us, those of us that can actually starve to death at least." Blizzard grumbled at mention of her stash. At least it came in handy. Beelzebub was busy rubbing his burning scales when all eyes turned to him. Sleipnir taking a step towards Charon when Forte tackled his new friend. He pulled Skylark along with him and shouted for the hydra to get off his friend. Ferrum meanwhile, was staring at the battered and broken Charon. That want the hydra he had....he caught Terra staring at him and hurriedly he averted his eyes, folding his arms across his chest and slumping back against the wall. He didn't care. It was just a hydra, but...he did feel mighty sorry for him as he would for anyone who went through whatever he did. Noi-the hydras would be able to heal him right? He risked a glance over, the hydras would make him as good as new wouldn't they? He'd be fine, he had nothing to worry about. He didn't worry in the first place anyway! He was, however, close enough to hear Charon's barely whispered words and immediately, his gaze went to Beezlebub and he felt his trigger finger itching even without his gun. Beelzebub, however was more than ready to protest against the accusations, "What!? I didnt!" He shouted, glaring down at the broken hydra and Ferrum just wanted to punch him. Not cause of what happened off course, but because he was a little smug bastard. Slowly, he pulled his gun back to him and pulled back the hammer of it. Beezlebub seemed to catch that though, growling at him, "I didn't fucking touch him alright! Obviously he's delusional! Why would I even bother to harm him, think you fucks!" Sleipnir shied away from Beezlebub's angry shouts, unsure who to go to this time. He really wanted his parents actually. He just wanted to be held by Daddy and have Father sing him asleep. He was sure that Skylark wanted that too. In answer to Sila's shout, he tightened his grip on his brother and refused to let anything separate them. He didn't understand it, but he wasn't gonna let anything hurt Sky. Everyone else had stilled when Sila announced her realization. Sanare spoke up next, "We...there's still a chance it won't come true right? We can still prevent it." She tried, but even her calming words lost their effect and everyone knew even she didn't believe it herself. They all knew, they couldn't stop why was coming. Ferrum looked down at Charon, broken as he was, their fate having predicted to be not as sinister as what awaited the rest of them. He still felt grim over it though. Something was coming, and they couldn't stop it no matter how much they tried to. ---- The blade glinted dimly, a stark contrast against the rather out of place concrete handle, but he couldn't risk any metal manipulation. In it's centre, the small orb of dust sparkled and swirled on it's own accord as he stroked it, a sentimental thing he supposed it was. The beauty of which was lost to many. Gently, he brought it up to his lips and kissed the orb, "Do not worry my king. We will be home soon."