Name: Marshall Taekensworth. Gender: Male Appearance: [url=]Big, burly, and tanned, Marshall is a man's man through and through. [/url] Role Aboard: Workhand, deckhand, Guy designated to make the dangerous sacrifices. Tropes filled: The Big Guy, Boistrous Bruiser. Big guy Fatality Syndrome, They killed Kenny again, Drop the hammer, Mighty Glacier. Personality: Marshall is boisterous, loud, and cheerful. He comes from Upper-middle class origins, but he's lost contact with his family due to shenanigans. He prefers to think of his crew as a family, to whom he's very close. Marshall has motor mouth tendancies, and tends to drown people under speech. History: ... Other notes: (Bleh, i completely forgot about all this. Sorry about having an incomplete charsheet.)