[img=http://i.imgur.com/UPINOf1.png] [b][u]Aliquam: Tobias’ Gala[/u][/b] [i]‘Why “at your service”? Don’t give them the wrong idea, Lucy! What if they make us sing or worse, dance!?’[/i] Lute’s cheeks were already flushed pink by the time both Lucien and Syed found their seats, but he remained standing because he really didn’t want to- “You’re so [i]cute[/i]! You look like my dog!” [i]'Oooh the fancy girly called you cute~ hee hee- Wait what[/i]!?' Both Delilah and Lute were shellshocked when the brunette, Charlotte, gushed and pulled the virtuoso down on the seat next to hers. The next thing he knew she was pinching his cheek and cooing like one would do in front of an adorable creature, and wasn’t being subtle about it either. He was shooting pleading glances at Syed and Lucien the entire time. “Look, Leah, doesn’t he remind you of Claude!?” The young lady emitted yet another high-pitched squeal before her red-haired friend turned to regard the young man. “Charlotte dear, that’s a human, not a terrier. Let the poor dear go,” She declared and her friend pouted but nonetheless let go of Lute. “Sorry, it’s just that I have a really cute terrier named Claude, he’s absolutely the cutest thing EVER, and you have the same color of fur!” She bit her lip and raised her hand, presumably to pat his head, but thankfully refrained from doing so. … Did she just call his hair [i]“fur”[/i]? Uh yeah… How do we proceed from here…? Lute coughed and straightened his spine, subtly leaning far away from Charlotte as his eyes scanned the room. A distinguished man, an aristocrat, seemed to be looking at and walking towards their direction… But for what reason? Lute glanced at the guy to see if the stranger was looking at him, but realized that he was just looking at their area… Perhaps at one of the girls? Hmm, he was probably just heading towards the bar; Lute couldn't be sure at this distance anyway. Shrugging, the virtuoso turned back to the conversation in case Syed or Lucien needed some... well, assistance for a... uh... comedy routine?