For most, the first day of the new school year was a time to meet new people and rekindle old friendships. For others it was a chance to start again, free from the baggage of yesteryear. For Todoroki Fuyuki, it was a time to review and update old dossiers, a task he both relished and dreaded in equal measure. The opening ceremony had been less than enlightening, with little chance to interrogate new students and even less to observe the staff; the Principal's speech was as boring and irrelevant as ever and the Student Council President was the same two-dimensional girl as always. No new data there... He ignored the proceedings, instead scanning the room for unfamiliar faces, be they first years or transfer students. A few caught his eye, a maimed girl here, a foreigner there. Nothing exceptional, but still noteworthy. He spied a handful of transfers, mainly in the second year; he took special note of them, as they were potential classmates and customers. No-one craved information like a stranger in a foreign place, especially somewhere as exotic as Yamaku. Fuyuki had anticipated this and carried a handful of printed maps in his bag; free of charge (rare for him) but a good investment to gain trust. By the time the opening ceremony finally ended, he had picked out a number of priority students, some new, others long standing clients. As the hall emptied he hustled between them, weaving through the thronging mass as only one of his slight stature could. Here and there he struck up a conversation, using leading questions to find out whose circumstances had changed and how. By the time the hallways had cleared his hands ached from typing so fast but Fuyuki was nevertheless happy to have updated so many files. Unfortunately it had taken rather longer than expected and he found himself edging on lateness... not exactly a rare occurrence, but he would rather not get yelled at so early in the year. He took off at a light jog toward the second year wing, praying that he wouldn't be late. The people he passed were of a sort you would never find at a 'normal' school. Amputees, girls with missing eyes, a school nurse who actually knew what he was doing... It had taken Fuyuki some time to adjust, but Yamaku was truly a unique place. His own disability was less obvious than some and he had expected some degree of bullying even here, if only born of bitterness from those worse off, but the level of acceptance and respect from his fellow students was shocking. Even foreigners were treated equally here, although he suspected that was partly because half the students didn't realise... As he ascended the last flight of stairs to his homeroom, Fuyuki slowed to a relaxed walk; it wouldn't do to have people think he needed to rush anywhere. He had a couple of minutes anyway and their teacher wasn't the strictest... most of the time. It all happened so fast, Fuyuki barely saw what hit him. As he turned the corner at the top of the stairs, he walked headfirst into another student, bouncing off the taller boy and back toward the stairs. He tumbled head over heel down, somehow managing to whack every limb en-route to the first floor landing. Fuyuki sat dazed for a moment, pain arcing up and down his limbs; at least the PDA was undamaged, he thought spacily...