Lazarus played well among the captain's plan, he went to the tunnel and got trapped there. He listened the man's lecturing without a blink, figuratively speaking. He glances around the group of guards around him in the tunnel before slowly turning his eyes at the captain."So, you are done now." He confirmed and nodded his head once, waving his wrist around lazily to sway the head around."I do not need to appreciate your efforts, captain, you know that. Now, I shall begin to explain my actions, and see if you decide to hear them or not." He states, his tone calm throughout the entire time, so calm that it was practically annoying."First, as you said, in anywhere else, I could have caused a riot. However, good captain, these here are seraphim. They are people that are clearly either too intelligent, or too cowardice to start rioting over something that small. A bit of blood reminds their magic filled heads about the world outside, do you not agree?" His gleaming eyes are locked to the captain's, yet his face is still not visible from within the helmet."Next thing, yes, the criminal I executed, was dangerous. Maybe not extremely dangerous, unless you wish me to see your men inadequate to keep peace in your city. Your cells would not have been enough to hold him for too long, he probably would not have escaped the city with his life, but he would've taken few of your people with him. Not to mention that some of his merry bandits are still out there free, and probably willing to do something to save or avenge him, that threat is now on me, they have no reason to go after your people for their leader." Lazarus was slightly disappointed at this point, not just because the seraphim thought that they could hold him in place with such little effort, but mainly because none of the guards had lost their temper..yet."What was next, ah, yeah, why in here, and why in the middle of the games. Simple. These people, let them be seraphim or not, are not perfect. At any point could any single one of them just decide he or she has had enough for one reason or another. And thus you'd have yet another outlaw to put a bounty on, which would mean more work for me of course. The fear, captain, the fear keeps some of them in bay. Especially after they saw someone simply ignoring the guards around the games, that by the way did nothing to stop an armed man from leaping in the arena in the middle of, well, in lack of better terms civilians with above average intelligence. And now, my good captain, is the time to decide whether you simply let me walk out of here, or try to take me in for few nights before letting me get back to my work, so yours is easier." He finishes his speech, but before the captain has a chance to reply, he still adds something."And one more thing, my good captain. Unless you plan to use that sword of yours, never draw it and point it at someone. In case of a nutcase, it could cost you, your life." He then quiets down, apparently finally done and simply waiting.