[quote=Ezmeralda] After Mara put the stones away, Veragwen went to work on dressing the wounds they all still had. She glanced at Nayash, "It's ok. I'm tougher than I look....plus it's healed already. We met not too long ago, it seems you've hit your head pretty bad and forgot though. My name is Veragwen and your name is Nayash. This is Mara, Caelyn, and Raena." she said gesturing to each one. You're at the Inn in Seles. We were fighting a strange scorpion and you ran off and got yourself beat by a Dragoon. A Dragon Knight...."She looked at Mara, leaned in and whispered to her, "But we have them all....could the one we have be a fake? Wait, you have one too, didn't you? Does that mean there's two fakes among the ones we found?" [/quote] Poke. Poke. Po-"Dragoon? ... Awww.." Reana rolled over onto her back, completely forgetting about the hammer. "I thought he had balloon powers! Now how will I get my balloon puppy..." The girl made a little pout and flailed her arms in defeat. "Balloons are WAY cooler than dragons..." Raena took a moment while laying there to wrap her hair up in a bun, or as close to that as possible for that large amount of hair. ... Shifting her weight so that her feet swung over her head as if in a reverse somersault, she paused halfway, pushing her body up onto her hands and walked on her hands over to the passed out Caelyn, looking at her and whispering. "I bet [i]SHE[/i] dreams about balloon snakes too. Balloon snakes are the best..." And with that she proceeded to waltz around the room on her hands, with more grace than she probably had on her own two feet, her skirt falling and the bow behind it trailing along behind her. Thank god for shorts.