As Cecilia walked in stride with the princess, the chilled night air feeling pleasant against her skin. The warmth from the heat of dancing and the many guests exuding it in the ballroom had made her flush. It was quite a surprise the princess had accepted the invitation in the first place, but Cecilia simply thanked her lucky stars Elena had briefly abandoned her inhibitions. Elena looked beautiful beneath the light of the moon, but she seemed rather sad. For but a moment, Cecilia felt the need to take the sadness away, but remembered herself almost instantaneously, the sight of a shadow climbing over the balustrade behind them. She turned her attention quickly back to the princess. "It is rather lovely," Cecilia replied, thinking that it was nothing in comparison to the blanket of stars visible when her ship rocked on the ocean. She realized that the princess would soon see it for herself. Her gaze fell to her hands, feeling slightly guilty. Here Elena was, sharing something so profoundly personal, not knowing that the person beside her was about to betray that brief lapse in judgment. Although there was a certain negative stigma among pirates' honor code, Cecilia placed a very high regard in maintaining her honor. This whole plan was like a stab through her scruples, something she never thought would physically hurt her. The princess looked lovely beneath the light of the moon, her features half in shadow, but her eyes were bright, full of sorrow. Could it be possible that the princess herself was lonely? Cecilia stiffened, there was no room in her heart for softness now. Elena was nobody to her. Ramsey, Jonas, Salty Nate, they were her family and they would come first. The princess turned to leave and a slight panic rose in Cecilia's throat. "Brigantine!" she shouted the signal. She looked into the princess's eyes. "I'm sorry, Elena," she said almost silently, as Ramsey came up behind her.