"Push and pull...that is the way it has been for countless eons. Push...pull...in...out...the tide surges...the tide ebbs...push..pu-" KREEEE!!. Manō jumped slightly as the sudden keening outside of his bedroom window snapped him out of his meditation. He'd lost track of time yet again, and it was only because of the steady screeching of the osprey perched on the windowsill that he'd been reminded of how close he was to being late for his daily meeting. Speaking of the osprey, the raptor continued to screech and flap it's wings wildly as if waiting for a signal to stop, "Alright, alright I get it, you're going to get your reward. Calm down." Manō grumbled as he stood and walked over to a wicker basket, "This is what you want, right?" he asked as he pulled out a dried fish that one of the locals had brought to the temple in homage. The osprey began to cry out even louder as Manō waved the fish in front of it before lightly tossing the treat in its direction. Manō sighed with relief as the bird instantly ceased its keening and snatched up the fish before taking off, "At this rate he's gonna get fat on all these fish." Manō said with a slight chuckle as he looked out of the window. It was another beautiful day on the mediterranean, the sea was calm thanks to him, the sun hung brightly overhead, casting it's warm glow down onto everything it touched, and as always there was that fresh, slightly salty, smell in the air that always reinvigorated him. For a moment Manō considered skipping todays meeting, however it would likely end in yet another scolding from 'The Big Man' himself. The deity of the sea stretched a bit and rolled his shoulders, "Ah well, maybe today's meeting will be quick." he said before snapping his fingers. There was a bright blue flash of light, and in an instant he found himself in the temple of the highest god where he began to patiently await the arrival of the others.