The sight of his own blood surprised Dean, he wasn't even aware he was bleeding until the girl wiped his forehead with her sleeve, leaving quite a red stain on her shirt. The constant ringing in his head made the gunshots sound as if they were miles away. He felt like the entire situation was some sort of dream and he had already died, but you shouldn't feel pain when you're dead. Dean looked up, trying to space out and ignore the pain in his body. He looked towards the sky, the lake next to them meant there weren't as many trees around, leaving a perfect view of the blue sky above them. In a different context the view could be beautiful. The combination of the sleep deprivation, dizzy head, injuries and loss of blood left Dean completely drained of all energy. He felt so tired, but not in a sleepy way, if that makes sense. In more of a weak way, he just wanted to rest. He turned his attention back towards the girl, still unable to process the fact she was here. Just being in the presence of another survivor was a nice feeling, but the way she was looking at Dean made him feel uneasy, she seemed very worried. Was his condition that bad? He wanted to sit up and ask her some things but couldn't bring himself to it. [i][b]"Maybe it's because of the creatures,"[/b][/i] Dean casually thought to himself. More gunshots could be heard but the girl wasn't shooting this time. He could hear shouting and assumed the she had a friend with her but that didn't seem to be the case, because she had gotten up and ran away. He felt confused, and wasn't sure what was going on at the moment. [i][b]"Maybe somebody was following me,"[/b][/i] Dean whispered to himself as he now lay alone. His head didn't hurt anymore, and neither did his arm, they both felt numb. He couldn't help closing his eyes and try to rest. The thought of his mother resurfaced as he attempted to sleep, if he awoke, it would probably be as one of these creatures. If he didn't, well. Than he didn't. [b]"Stay awake!"[/b] the girl shouted. Dean's eyes popped open, the girl had returned. The sharp pain in his body came back in a moments notice, he suddenly felt somewhat awake, as if he had just woken from a nightmare. She gently grabbed his face and told him once more to stay awake. The moment was bittersweet, her hands felt warm but not in a sense of heat, in a sense of life, it was a nice feeling but, why did he need to stay awake? She pulled out a knife and cut open his sleeve, revealing a large gash on his left arm. He was taken aback at the sight of the injury. As the girl tended his wounds Dean attempted to look around, trying to analyze the situation. More gunshots were being fired as what seemed to be another survivor fended off a large amount of creatures with a katana. [b]"Fuck"[/b] He whispered to himself. They were making way too much noise and needed to get away from the area. These two people were in danger and risking their lives to help him. This was his fault, he felt like a helpless idiot. [b]"Yeah"[/b] Dean said to her [b]"You shouldn't have come though, you two need to get away from here."[/b] He slowly sat up and began to load his shotgun. He spoke quickly in a panicking tone. [b]"You guys really need to leave here, there's gonna be too many, like, there's just gonna be too many and it's bad you guys have to please go, I don't have anything to repay you for helping me, you can have this bag, it's got ammo and thing but just please go. Don't die here with me."[/b]