((Sorry for my long absence)) The moon was finally high in the sky. Lord Rain left his tent, and said "Men, leave your tents, the invasion is beginning!". The whole army that wasn't outside took up almost all the space in the camp. They marched down the hill that they were on, into the back of the clearing near the town. The army was quickly put into divisions: spearmen, which took the front to create a wall of shields and spears, and the swordsmen, which took up the flanks along with providing extra killing power to the wall of spears. Alongside those are the archers/bowmen, which took up the center of the little rectangle of absolute death. They take cover behind the shields of the spearmen, with the mission of raining arrows upon the enemy to soften them up. Then, there are the magic casters. These magic casters are the best in the army at magic, and they are unarmed besides their magic. They took up the back, and their mission is to rain lightning upon the enemy to take out at least a small chunk of their army. In the back behind all the soldiers was Shock, the one that would be shouting orders to the many divisions. All the way in the front was Lord Rain. He would be doing a lot of damage, at least he planned to. You really can't not do a lot of damage when you're wielding two axes of lightning and you're also a Keeper with the power of lightning. The army finally had gotten into divisions, but the town was barely visible due to the fog. The army marched closer to the town, and a small group of guards on the walls finally saw them just as the first row was visible. The guard began to let out a loud whistle, when the rest of the army had shown up. The guard froze in fear, but finally let out a loud whistle to alert the other guards. When the other guards finally came to the front walls, a lot of them were very shocked. The ones that were forced to go to the gate in case the army got through the walls were especially scared. They were lucky that wasn't the place the army would strike, except for a small force, of course. Human archers and even a few wizards (albeit weak ones) lined the front of the walls. This army was about seven-eights the size of Lord Rain's. Lord Rain's army split into three groups, one group taking the area near the wall's gate, the other two taking the two guard towers in the front. The magic casters near the guard towers ripped through the guard towers using lightning magic. Lord rain himself was cutting through the iron gate which was keeping the middle group out. Finally, Lord Rain just casted a lightning bolt spell, and the gate blew open. The guards at the gate charged at them, and Lord Rain charged back at them, taking a small group of them down with his axes whilst his own group's archers and magic casters rained death upon the enemy. Meanwhile, at the guard towers... Shock stood behind his group, yelling at them to not attack but instead prepare to. The spearmen on both sides readied their spears and shields, the swordsmen readied their swords, the archers took out an arrow from their small bag of arrows and put it on their bows, and the magic casters prepared to cast a spell. The guards went into a small formation similar to a phalanx. Suddenly, Shock yelled the order to charge, and the archers and magic casters took out a large portion of the guards. Their archers fired back, but only wounded a few of Lord Rain's army due to the shields of the spearmen protecting them. The army charged, and completely destroyed the guards. A few of Lord Rain's troops were killed from being impaled, which were just Stormers, but mostly the group survived. They flooded into the town with Lord Rain's group, which had just killed off the group of guards at the gate. A group of townspeople had formed a militia, and were surprisingly different from the guards. They took up all the weapons they could, mainly farming and construction tools, and even a few torches and bows. The townspeople attacked the army, and drove through them, surprisingly. About ten Stormers were killed and even two Bolters were also killed. The townspeople were then either impaled, died in a shower of lightning and arrows, or killed by a lot of swords. The battle hadn't ended yet, though. A man in armor walked out of a large stone building. He seemed very, very angry. Lord Rain guessed that this man owned the town. The man was in shiny, white armor, with a gold-colored trim. He drew his sword, and put a tower shield up in defense. "If I die... I die trying to save my people", the man said. Lord Rain told his army to not attack, as he wished to do some 'diplomacy' with this man. He walked up to the man, and spoke. "Give us this town, unless you wish to know what it is like to be dead. Either way, we'll still capture this town." The man simply shook his head and replied with "Didn't you hear what I said? I said that if I die, I'll die trying to save my people." The man pointed his sword at Lord Rain. Two things went through Lord Rain's mind: kill him, or let him live and see what happens. Lord Rain chose the former. ((TO BE CONTINUED! DUN DUN DUN)) Forces: 30 imps, 87 Stormers(77 camped near town), 45 Bolters(40 camped near town), 2 Captured Humans Constructs/Rogue Beings: Shock (Stormer Construct)(camped near town) Resources: Several bags of iron and steel tools, and food for the army, 30 enchanted steel swords, 20 enchanted steel spears, 25 bows with 25 arrows each, 50 sets of basic steel armor, 50 sets of wooden training gear, along with some stone, dirt, and a whole lot of clouds. Infrastructure: A dungeon heart, the flying-castle-dungeon itself, a Lair, a Hatchery, a Portal, reinforced stone walls, and a Forge.