"I didn't do anything! You heard him! He didn't even see who it was! It wasn't me I tell you, but if you fuc-" "Fudge." Leo interrupted loudly, earning himself a glare from Beezlebub. As always the lazy dragon didn't want to put in the effort to react to it, "I tell you, it wasn't me! It definitely wasn't me. If you wanna believe this sorry waste of a hydra over me, go right ahead! But you're wrong." He growled defiantly, hands clenched tightly, a vein throbbing in his forehead, "I've killed thousands, millions! Young and old, but know this, I've never done it without reason. I've never done anything against our kind nor have I intentionally harmed any of you. If you want to believe I did [b]that[/b] to him, go ahead!" Prideful uplifting speeches really just made him want to shoot him more. Ferrum fingered his gun, wondering just how much power would it take for a bullet to go through the hydra's smoke scene shield, "You've hurt a lot of out kind hydra. Even your own is against you now, tell me why I shouldn't fill you full of bullet holes? I don't think anyone would stop me." He said darkly, dripping with poison. Sanare, always the peacemaker, was first to reach over and push his trigger hand down. Giving him that concerned, scolding look. He scowled at her as he met her gaze, but made no move to aim his gun again. Honestly, hated all hydras, but Beezlebub really rubbed him the wrong way. Glancing at Charon, he scanned his form for any more wounds, then looked away. If they were gonna be captured, they needed every one up and in fighting form to defend against any attack. He near hoped though, that they would be captured just so his brother would show up for him to make sure he was safe. No doubt, Anemoli could take care of himself but...he was in a mess, he needed his brother's advice as much as he wouldn't admit it. Partially, he also maybe cared about the wind dragon's well being. Sleipnir watched Forte knock out the other dragon, then he stumbled over and patted Lucian gently on the arm, hoping that he would nap well and not wake up grumpy. Then he turned and held his brother closer as he felt him radiating...this heat. A volatile anger and he knew why. Perhaps he was braver or more foolish, but he glanced up at Beezlebub and held his brother closer, "You hurt my Father. That means you hurt Daddy too." He wasn't sure if Daddy still loved Father, but he knew they loved each other enough to have them so, "If you hurt Daddy, you would hurt anyone else." "Why you-" Beezlebub stared down incredulously at the mousey toddler. The only thing between them was December's cloud shield, but even that was fading. He could so easily rip the annoying morsel limb from limb, but that definitely would look good infront of a roomful of hydra and dragon and it wouldn't make him look any more innocent of the accusations pointed at him. So begrudgingly, he crossed his arms and turned his back to them. Regnum was too caught up in his own drama at the moment to bother with the hotheaded hydra. Turning his head up wearily as Terra approached. He huddled himself into the corner, the heat surrounding him not fading any time soon. He sighed and looked away at the question, turned back and opened his mouth as if to say something then closed it. There were several more false starts; open, close, open close. And then finally he scratched his head and sighed, "It was a long time ago, I was...young, foolish. Different. Naive I guess. What's in the past is in the past anyway and I don't regret a single thing I've done, I only wish I could have done it better. It's not time now to get all sentimental, we can leave this basement now and go upstairs. Wait till the dust settles outside then face whatever is coming for us." He stood shakily, having exerted himself more than others. No one able to bear the heat enough to help him, "It's not ideal, but we've put up with each other this long. I think we can make it through a day without killing each other. Now.." He turned to look down at Skylark and Sleipnir; young, not yet ready for the world. "Someone has to take care of them and by someone I mean everyone, do we have a mutual agreement on that?"