"Wipe that dumbo grin off your face, dumbo! I'm in charge now and there'll be no smiling unless you've got something to declare!" Chime declared out loud, leaning far over Danny's head and pulling painfully at his locks of snow white hair. The latter held back a shout, unsure exactly what the demonic creature of fluff would do to him if he protested. He really wanted to just snatch it away from him and chuck it at a wall though. Chime seemed to read his thoughts and tug harder at his roots, "Alright, now listen up noobies! I'm gonna lay it out straight for you! Dish out all the dirt because obviously, your heads are too hollow for you to survive here on your own." As if to set an example, he leaned down and tapped on Danny's head, "See? Hear that? Hollow." The twins couldn't understand how such a little ball of cuteness could be so evil and plain mean. The guys were either pissed, unsure or somewhat amused at it's wit. Either way, no one said anything as Chime hopped down to Danny's shoulder and sat down, crossing his tiny legs, "Alright, not gather close. And lemme tell you, you do not wanna piss off any of the real teachers here. Not do you wanna be out past curfew or you might stumble across..." He paused for dramatic effect, "The principle!" Follow up with evil laughter and...show time! "Never make fun of the walls or the doors, never play tricks in the halls or answer the midnight call, you'll be sorry I swear! Your friends, they won't see! When you're snatched up and eaten as a snack for tea!" He sang happily. ---- He chuckled at his brother and instantly relaxed. Shoulders slumping down, he threw his head back and sighed, "Ah, I need a good nap. I just get here and already you make me sick on purpose. " Throwing back a quick grin at his brother, he slung an arm around his shoulder, "[i]You[/i] don't worry, I don't need to be teacher's pet when I'll be kicking your ass at magick. I bet I could learn it faster than you did in seven years. No one would dare eat me alive!" He laughed, knowing all too well he was capable of eating them alive. Speaking of eating...his stomach growled an he tsked, "Ah, mom and dad pretty much sent me off without lunch cause I woke up late. I haven't gotten a bite all day, when's recess? Or do you take [i]breaks[/i] instead and eat in some fancy teacher's lounge now?" He liked this. It felt like the old times. When they could laugh and play freely. Feeling the warmth of his bother next to him, he smiled and leaned back on the couch. Senses calm, without that little rat, he wanted more of this, "You still sneak out at nights?"