Genevieve did everything she could to ignore Aeden. She didn't know why, but she felt this resentment towards him deep inside her. He had been the one that agreed to her mother's request and dragged her off. She laid down and closed her eyes, but her demons didn't allow her to fall asleep. For hours she just laid there with her eyes closed as the fire danced before her shut eyelids. They seemed more alluring with her eyes closed then when they were wide open. She finally did fall asleep sometime in the night when the fire disappeared, but she woke very early in the morning with a crink in her neck. She sat up suddenly and wiped the grogginess from her eyes. SO it hadn't been one huge nightmare. She was half-fae and her mother was dying that very morning. She stood up quietly so she wouldn't wake Aeden up and walked out of the cave. She walked for a few minutes and then sat down with her back against a tree.